
Wahl im Irak an vorderster Front fordert geschäftsführende Regierung

Der Spitzenreiter im Irak 7. März Parlamentswahlen sagte am Mittwoch, sie verwirft jede Änderung, die Umfrageergebnisse und drohte, an die internationale Gemeinschaft Resort zur Schaffung einer Übergangsregierung zu neuen Umfragen zu halten. Die Iraqia Liste, die vom ehemaligen Premierminister Ayad Allawi leitete, machte der Ruf nach einem Treffen der führenden Politiker Dienstag Abend zu einem letzten Entscheidung einer gerichtlichen Kammer Wahlen erörtern, um die Stimmen von 52 Kandidaten, darunter sechs Gewinner, sagte sie in einer ungültig -Anweisung. Tariq Harb, ein Anwalt in der Nähe von Ministerpräsident Nuri al-Maliki’s State of Law bloc, erzählte Reportern Dienstag, dass zwei der Kandidaten disqualifiziert von Sunni-Backed-bloc Allawis sind. Die Liste Iraqia knapp gewann die meisten Stimmen in der 7. März Wahlen, besiegte einen Block von al-Maliki von 91 bis 89 Sitzen geführt, nach der Abstimmung Ergebnisse. Aber Koalitionsverhandlungen mit kleineren Parteien scheinen sich wie jede Partei braucht 163 Sitzen die Mehrheit Regierung zu bilden Stillstand gekommen. In der Erklärung heißt, dass die Iraqia Liste wird ein Schreiben an den Leiter der Obersten Justizrat schicken “, betont die Dringlichkeit seiner Intervention an die Justiz von politischer Einflussnahme zu schützen, da dies ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf die Stabilität des Landes haben.” Die Anweisung gehalten Maliki-Regierung und die Rechenschaftspflicht und Gerechtigkeit Kommission, zuständig für Sicherheitsüberprüfung Kandidaten für Verbindungen zu Saddam Husseins Baath-Partei, verantwortlich für die Veränderung der Wahlergebnisse durch die “böswillige Rechtsverluste und Verhaftungen, die die Kandidaten und Anhänger der Iraqia Block.” Er sagte auch, dass die Liste hat Iraqia “untersucht die Möglichkeit der Rückgriff auf die internationale Gemeinschaft”, einschließlich des UN-Sicherheitsrates, der Europäischen Union, der Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz und der Arabischen Liga, den politischen Prozess zu schützen “von jeder Ungerechtigkeit und eine geschäftsführende Regierung bilden, und wiederholen Sie die Wahlen in einer Umgebung frei von politischer Manipulation. ” Die Liste Iraqia rechtfertigte seine neuesten Bedrohungen wie der Irak ist noch im Rahmen von Kapitel VII der UN-Charta, der UN-Sicherheitsrat gibt die Kraft für den Frieden im Land zu halten geregelt. Der Irak wurde nach Kapitel VII seit 1990, als der ehemalige Präsident Saddam Hussein in Kuwait einmarschierte setzen. Vor den Wahlen verboten den irakischen Unabhängigen Wahlkommission mehr als 500 Politiker, meist Sunniten, vom Laufen in der nationalen Abstimmung über die angeblichen Verbindungen zur Baath-Partei. Die Schwarze Liste der von Schiiten dominierten Rechenschaftspflicht und Gerechtigkeit Kommission weckt geschoben Bedenken über eine mögliche religiös motivierter Gewalt zu Funken, wie allgemein angenommen, der Umzug war ein Versuch der schiitischen Parteien, die derzeit herrschen die politische Szene, die Gewinne der anderen irakischen Gruppierungen zu verringern in der 7. März Wahlen.

Jemen Verhaftungen Masterminds von verpfuschten Terroranschlag gegen britische Gesandte

jemenitischen Sicherheitsbehörden haben die Drahtzieher der jüngsten misslungenen Attentat, dass gezielte britischen Gesandten in den Jemen, Innenminister Mutahar al-Masri in einer Rede am Donnerstag sagte, verhaftet. “Der Vorgang der Festnahme der Drahtzieher der fehlgeschlagenen Terroranschlag stattgefunden in den letzten Stunden”, sagte al-Masri bei einem jährlichen Treffen des Ministeriums Top-Beauftragten für die Gefahrenabwehr in der Hauptstadt. Er bemerkte, dass “die Sweep ein erhebliches Sicherheitsrisiko Errungenschaft ist.” Unterdessen schwor das Innenministerium am Donnerstag seine Operationen gegen al-Qaida weiterhin. Das Gelübde kam zwei Tage nach dem gescheiterten Selbstmordversuch Terroranschlag, dass gezielte britischen Botschafter. “Mehr schweren und schmerzhaften Streiks wird gegen die terroristische Organisation Al-Qaida und ihre Führer und Kader weiter, wo immer sie sind, um in den Jemen zu verteidigen und seine höchsten Interessen”, erklärte das Ministerium in einer Erklärung unter Berufung auf nicht identifizierte höchste Sicherheit Beamter. Am Montag, dem Tragen einer Selbstmordattentäter einer explosiven Gürtel blies sich auf, wenn der Konvoi der britischen Botschafters in Jemen Tim Torlot war vorbei. Der Angriff der Bomber nur links Toten und drei Passanten verletzt, während der Diplomat und seine Begleiter unversehrt überstanden. Die jemenitischen Behörden dann die Selbstmordattentäter als 22 – jährige Ali Osman Noman Asaloi identifiziert. Jemenitische Polizei verstärkt Präsenz Sicherheit nach dem Anschlag in der Hauptstadt Sanaa, vor allem rund um westliche Botschaften. Jemen, dem Stammland der al-Qaida-Netzwerk-Chef Osama bin Laden, hat die Sicherheit Operationen und Luftangriffe gegen terroristische Gruppen intensiviert, nachdem die Jemen-basierte al-Qaida-Flügel hat die Verantwortung für eine verpfuschte Weihnachtstag Versuch Luft zu sprengen, ein US-Flugzeug gebunden für Detroit.

Jimmy Choo Zero Mirror Platform Sandals For the Monday

You are not feeling especially well at the moment, and are certain you are coming down with that hacking, sniffling, achy-breaky cold with which your spouse and children are afflicted. (Indeed, it is obviously going around, as even the Manolo has been felled by this late winter pestilence, and feels quite unwell as he types this missive to the world from his sickbed.) But, you, on the other of the hands would not be stopped by the mere heavy-handed hint of approaching illness, not when there is the important project due at work, and not when staying home means yet one more day caring for the crotchety, cranky, demanding patients at home. “Mooooooom, can you get me a glass of water.” “Hon, can you bring me a bowl of soup.” “Moooooom, my head hurts.” “Hon, come feel my head. I think I’m feverish.” “Mooooom, can you get me another blanket?” “Hon, can you get the remote control to the TV, I’ve dropped in on the floor by the bed.” You should probably be taking it easy at home on the couch, although you would be getting even less rest, but this morning you gulped down the giant glass of orange juice, and the fistful of over-the-counter medications, and homeopathic snake oils, and toddled off to work, your sinuses feeling like the burlap bag full of badgers. What you need now is five seconds of looking at beautiful shoes, to soothe your nerves and distract you from your incipient headache.

Nina Patent Platform Sandal from Jimmy Choo For the Tuesday

Manolo says, the Manolo has been feeling the little bit under the weather, down with the small, niggling lung infection that has sapped his strength and made him wheezy. Of the course, the best cure for such illness (aside from antibiotics) is shoes on the sale, such as these marvelous Jimmy Choo green patent sandals.

Finding the Best Price Handbags

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Jimmy Choo Liquid Patent & Suede Tote

Jimmy Choo Liquid Patent & Suede Tote Well ladies, I thought I'd throw a fall-preview in the mix this week, and what better handbag to start with than this outrageous, and absolutely gorgeous Liquid Patent & Suede Tote by Jimmy Choo. Available in purple and black this hot patent leather tote is accented with suede insets and topped with gold-tone hardware. Sophsicated and classy doesn't begin to describe this bag. Part of Jimmy Choo's fall collection, you can pre-order it at Bergdorf Goodman for $2,095. My obsession with this bag has me behaving irresponsible and a bit irrational to say the least! But my practical, and sensible self is screaming at me, there's no way I would ever be able to afford it!

Archive for the 'Jimmy Choo' Category

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk working hard to insure that your family does not go without the latest cell phones, the newest laptops computers, and the new flat screen television in every room in the house (well, maybe not the three and the half bathrooms). Yes, you are leaving the house at seven-thirty every morning, and then trading away your precious time so that your family can distract itself to death, so that your teenagers can develop well-muscled, dexterous thumbs, and your husband can watch sporting events at any hour of the day. Remember when you were the little kid and your uncles and aunts would sometimes get together at your grandparents’ house, where they would drink highballs and smoke cigarettes and entertain each other with funny stories and old songs? Your relatives had these hilarious tales they would tell each other, properly embellished with wild gestures and perfect mimicry. Your Uncle Bill’s were the best. And even though all the cousins were racing around the yard, in and out of the house, playing various games, when Uncle Bill started talking about his time in the Army and his crazy friends, you sat right down on the floor and listened to him, because it was like the funniest episode of Sgt. Bilko ever made. Better even. And now he is gone. And so are your grandparents, and Dad, and the few others you desperately miss. But that is the nature of things. You get old and you miss how things used to be. Sigh. Perhaps you need to look at some pictures of beautiful shoes. Something simple, understated and elegant, something maybe your grandmother, who was the great beauty, would have worn when she was younger.


A new style for Chinese New Year

“This is weird. I mean, it’s just that in Ohio, no one I knew celebrated Chinese New Year. It was a thing I heard in passing.” remarked Kyle Robertson CC’13, as he walked into John Jay Dining Hall for lunch on John Jay Chinese New Year Day. The entire dining area was decorated with hong bao (red envelopes) and red lanterns, while students chomped on stir-fried vegetables and Cantonese music of the 1960s played in the background. Chopsticks were optional but abundant. Just as Columbia seeks to celebrate the diversity of its students, the fashion industry is finally embracing the talent to its designers of Asian origin. Designers such as Phillip Lim, Alexander Wang, Jen Kao, Jason Wu, and Prabal Gurung are known for their artistry and skill — not for being Asian. The separation of their identity as Asian Americans from fashion designers is a stark contrast to the perception of designers of an older generation, such as Vivienne Tam. The new generation of designers aren’t trying to display the influence of their Asian culture on their collections through modified qipaos (a traditional Chinese dress); instead, they are proclaiming to the world that they are not defined by the constraints of Oriental stereotypes. In the midst of Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week, Asian American designers present some of the most highly-anticipated shows of the season. With Chinese New Year right in the middle of it, one cannot help but wonder what some of our favorite designers are doing to celebrate.


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Bringing Back the Fanny Pack?

This past Sunday, I attended the Moncler Grenoble FW 2010 presentation, and being a bag person, I was immediately drawn towards the use of fanny packs. Let’s just say it was rather extensive. Models stood motionless on four levels of scaffolding; spotlights shone on different groups of them to the tune of classical and opera music. I daresay it was all very dramatic and lovely, since I’m a personal fan of Moncler, but I couldn’t help but wonder about the fanny packs. They were rather large and round, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the models had little heaters tucked inside them. Not that they would need heaters; if there anything Moncler is known for, it’s the warmth that their signature shiny puffers provide. There’s no denying the chic of Moncler. Carine Roitfeld was at the presentation, looking every bit her insanely glamorous self; if that doesn’t indicate a serious spike in chicness, then I don’t know what does. You may remember the Fendi & Moncler Spy Handbag, that wonderfully bulbous incarnation of the coveted Spy. Is that any indication of the possible success of these fanny packs? Though I loved the Moncler Spy and adore my own Moncler coat, I just can’t fathom the fanny pack being put to practical use in “a city atmosphere,” as Moncler Grenoble claims to be. Maybe it’s cute to hit the slopes, but the streets? Not so much. Perhaps I’m being a bit closed-minded, but the packs are just to big and too round to be taken seriously while firmly attached to someone’s waist. Keep in mind that this is coming from a girl who seriously considered purchasing a pair of Moncler booties. A Moncler belt with a small pouch I’d love. I’d rave after a Moncler crossbody, or even a ridiculously puffy tote. But I’m afraid I’m not a fan of the fanny.

Moncler camille boots: a must for snowy day

Have you had such terrible experience that you are wet from bottom to down on snowy day? Well, it is really very terrible to be compele wetted by the rain or snowy. Wearing Moncler camille boots, you will not worry about this at all. Moncler camille boots can prevent the water in their own characteristics. So you should not worry about it in the heavy snowy days. Its materials all have high quality and have been tested by the experiments for many times. What is more,Moncler camille boots are not quite expensive that you can get discount Moncler boots in Moncler shop easily and there are a large selection to choose from for different designs and sizes. Buy Moncler boots that of stylish designs you love and proper size suits you. You will be at ease in heavy snowy days for Moncler camille boot will prevent water for you.

Fusion Control Centre News

Well, we know Moncler is well known for Moncler jackets with special designs for us all and are often with high quality. Moncler jackets are so popular among us that Moncler jakcets will be our top mind while we have shopping idea in mind. Indeed,Moncler provide us various jackets,such as Moncler men jackets,moncelr women jackets.You can also find kids Moncler jackets sale. Then ,you may will ask,are Moncler jackets only for Moncler? Of course not. Moncler handbags are also Moncler’s sub-brand and are stylish as well as Moncler jackets. Its shinning colors and designs will not beaten by replica handbags. Apart from Moncler handbags, Moncler also provide Moncler boots. You can shop Moncler boots in quite cheap price in Moncler online shop. So while you are shopping in Moncler store, you can also pay attention to Moncler handbags,Moncler boots and some other fashion designs apart from Moncler jackets.

Epson T044420 Yellow Ink Cartridge

When you catch this title in sight,you may be doubt about it.But there are indeed cheap and high quality ink cartridges.You can find these fancy ink cartridges online shops or you can just go to a grocery nearby where you can get quite cheap ink cartrdges for your printer. Well,Epson T044420 Yellow Ink Cartridge just costs € 1.25 and the more you buy, the cheaper the price is.These ink cartridges are excellent for double-side printing. Ink produces bold black text and vividly colorful photos. Excellent for double-side printing and doesn“t bleed through. Unique package design enables accurate cartridge. These ink cartridges are compatible to the following Epson printers: Stylus C64, C66, C84, C86, CX3600,CX3650, CX6400, CX6600.Besides Epson T044420 Yellow Ink Cartridge,Epson T044320 Magenta Ink Cartridge,Epson T044220 Cyan Ink Cartridge are also compatible to printer talked of. You can choose color you love such as black,yellow,cyan,magenta and so on.Once you get such ink cartridges,you will find they are quite worth their prices.

Moncler BEA Jacket raise up your taste

You may find women are more likely to collect fashion designs such as stylish clothing,shoes,handbags and so on. Owning a large amount of pretty yet cheap clothes is really a pride to them and these fashion designs will be talks about of them.Moncler BEA jacket is such kind which are worth collecting and putting into your wardrobe. As one version of Moncler women jackets, Moncler BEA jackets are are quite stylish and warm enough to protect you from the chill winter.There are many classical colors to choose from,such as purple,black,white,red and so on. Just like other Moncler jackets for women, BEA jackets are also suitable for any occasions and easy to match your fashion accessories. Besides to Moncler BEA jacket, Moncler bayonne jacket can raise up your fashion taste. This is one diamond quilted down zip jacket in black nylon with snap tab band collar,curved patches at shoulders,zip pockets at chest and waist.Material of shell and lining:100% NYLON;FILL: 100% DOWN. Moncker bayonne jacket can also be washed by machine which can save your effort. So when you are wondering about a fashion jacket,do have a look at Moncler BEA jacket and some other fads in Moncler shop which will add more female charm to you.


Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

While the recession may not have ended the luxury industry’s obsession with celebrity associations, at the very least, brands are choosing their spokesmodels more thoughtfully.

By applying hand dying and hand stitching techniques to his leather working, I see Goodwin venturing down an artisanal shoe route that not many shoe designers venture down.

Natalie Hartley Wears

Pitched roof ceilings and sliding glass doors contribute to an expansive sense of space. The home is calmly and tastefully decorated with neutral simple furniture that suits the era of the house.

Max Kibardin Rosette Sandals For the Monday

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Now there is the phrase of pure genius. Indeed, whoever invented it changed the very course of haircare history.

And then, while you are thinking this important thought, the ancient memory leaps unbidden into your brain, the ancient memory involving the following bit of BASIC code:

30 GOTO 10

Which you immediately recognize as the example of the infinite loop your first computer science professor wrote on the board on the first day of class, lo many of these years ago.

You remember it because the girl who sat behind you whispered, “In his case this is purely theoretical,” which made you snicker because it was true. Professor Whathisname had the long stringy hair that needed the good scrubbing and styling, and perhaps the weekly blowout, because even though his hair looked dirty it was underneath sound in structure and form.

But never mind that, what is important about this memory, of the course, is that this funny girl who sat behind you turned out to be one of your all-time best friends, the person you still talk every week, even though she now lives on the other side of the country.

And now you are all cheered you up!

Ralph Lauren Collection Metallic Leather Strappy Sandals

It is the start of May which means that summer is only just around the corner, peeking it’s head around Memorial Day, looking at you like the lost puppy. But, first you must give the month of May your attention, for there is much to do, such as Day of the Mother (Ayyyyy! All of the brunch places are already reserved!) and the end of the school year.

But, honestly, now that you think about it, May is one of the better months. The weather is pleasantly warm, there are no stressful holidays, the immediate future holds pleasant things, and your youngest children are still in the custody of the local school district, thus freeing you from having to come up with the summer recess accommodations and entertainments for them.

Of the course, if like the Manolo, you suffer from the hay fever, then May is the cruelest month, breeding mucus out of your sinuses, mixing Sudafed and nasal spray, suppressing rampant histamines.

If it is not one thing it is the other…

Strange Advertisements

One would think that the people behind the Crocs would know how the Manolo feels about their ungainly, life-sapping, and horrifically unattractive product, for it is not as if the Manolo has made any secret of his feelings.

But, the Manolo’s position is that the Crocs are the legal product which, if you are not riding on the escalator or wrestling alligators, pose little physical threat to humans. (Of the course, the aesthetic threat is incalculable.) And thus the Manolo the Capitalist is not opposed to taking their advertising dollars.

Much more troubling to the Manolo is the frequent reappearance of the advertisements promoting the fake designer shoes, especially the fake Christian Louboutin shoes. Indeed, for nearly two years now, the Manolo has been waging the continual war against these criminals in his comments section and his banner advertising. And yet the fake ads continue to reappear, usually with the slightly different website or name. And the Manolo must again contact Google or Glam to get them to remove the new offender.

And so you may see, there are far worse things than the Crocs, which although ugly, have the virtue of honesty. They do not pretend to be anything other than what they are, which is why the Manolo does not mind their advertisement, even if he thinks the Crocs peoples are ultimately wasting their monies.

Dia de las Madres

This year, you have pledged to do better than last year’s hastily organized trip to Cooter Brown’s Rib Shack, indeed, you have already made the reservations for the fancy brunch place with the white table clothes, where they serve free mimosa from the bottomless vat of “champagne”. (Your husband suggested that the waitress should get one of those backpack spray rigs, with the two tanks, marked “Champagne” and “OJ”.)

But, because you know that the brunch is not enough, not when you are certain that your siblings will be sending enormous bouquets of roses, and giant flowery greeting cards generously trimmed with paper lace and schmaltz.

And because you will not be outdid, you race to the CVS looking for the biggest box of Russell Stover, which is only 5 pounds, not enough to do better than your brother, Bob the Broker who will settle for nothing less than 10 pounds, but then you think “Quality, not quantity,” and opt instead for the fancy Frenchy chocolates sent direct from France (via Weehauken) where mothers are treated like Queens…right?

But then you decide to zig rather than zag, and decide that the bestest gift of all time will be slippers, elaborate golden glittery slippers like these, the Giselle from Patricia Green.

The Web Snob

Stiletto Jungle shops the Met Costume Institute-inspired Gap American Woman Tees.

Did Kim Kardashian get plastic surgery? Allie is Wired has the details.

Bag Snob has the perfect summer messenger bag!

Ever think of taking a bath in champagne? Beauty Snob has a close second.

Coquette thinks it’s always best to invest in a LBD but Donna Karan’s new Infinity Dress is like having so many dresses in one!

After testing them out this week, Fashion Pulse Daily refuses to leave home without wearingKushyfoot

The Jet Set Girls chose the best Sex and the City trips for you and your girlfriends to enjoy the SATC 2 release.

KRISTOPHER DUKES is wanting, wearing, hating vintage Hermes Herbags.

Second City Style wonder what the heck she was thinking! The week that was of awful celebrity fashions.

Shopping and Info is getting this disc necklace in rose gold from Ippolita for Mother’s Day.

StyleBakery.com ranks the Top 10 Sunless Tanners to give you a natural-looking summer glow

The Beauty Stop is loving Bare Escentuals SPF30 Natural Sunscreen for summer.

Graduating from College or High School soon? The Fashion Bomb finds 50 + stylish graduation dresses under $150.

If you’re still looking for Mother’s Day gifts, The Shoe Goddess has compiled a list of our favorite gifts that are sure to please any mom!

Christian Louboutin Speaks!

The first thing I really wanted to do was to design shoes for showgirls, because at the end of the day, you know, a showgirl is…is like a bird of paradise. It’s a woman, but it’s a representation of a bird, basically.

At the end of my school, I did a big internship at Folies Bergère, and it was very interesting because, you know, if you like high heels, the showgirls are the best to actually show how to walk, how to manage, how to practice, but also they know great tricks about things, because not only they need to look, and to be good, but also they have to not to think about it. So, it has to be very comfortable, they don’t have to think about their feet. And, you know, at the first moment when I really thought up this stupid sentence, which is ’suffering to be beautiful’, doesn’t work. You know, showgirls cannot suffer to be beautiful.

Boots For the Monday

it is Monday and you are happy to report that your Mother’s Day was not unpleasant.

Your children took time out from their very busy schedule of digital communication to present you with the bouquet of flowers and the card, and to accompany you to the brunch at that Italian place you like. What was truly sweet, however, was that during your celebratory brunch, they had the great good courtesy to keep their cellphones in their laps. It was so wonderful! Whenever you looked down the table you could even pretend they were praying, their heads bowed, their thumbs furiously working at perhaps their rosaries.

Less satisfying, was the appearance of your mother-in-law, Blanche, and her “old man” Jimmy, who were also present at the meal.

Blanche is the wonderful mother-in-law, the sort who is sensible enough to help when needed, but also sensible enough to keep out of your business when not. However, what is troubling, is that she appears to have dealt with widowhood by joining the motorcycle gang.

“They’re not a motorcycle gang,” answers Gary when you mentioned your fears to him last night

“Yeah, but what about his beard?,” you snap back, “and those awful biker outfits?”

“Jimmy’s alright. The dude looks like Santa Claus.”

“I’m not sure. He seems a little rough to me.” The image of two, stout, elderly people in matching red leather jackets and chaps, eating eggs benedict, still lingers.

“He’s a retired endocrinologist,” says Gary, “They ride a Honda Goldwing for God’s sake.”

But you are not placated. You are worried for Blanche’s safety, and perhaps more than the little bit jealous that she seems to be having so much fun on the other side of seventy, heading off to Big Sur while you are still chained to your desk.

Photobombing with Brad Pitt

Manolo says, recently, the Manolo learned the new word: photobombing, defined as “the otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph appearing in the background.”

Here, for the example, are three such ruined photographs…