
Jennifer Lopez - How she fights to keep off the baby fat

After a few pregnancies, body fat around the hips and stomach is very natural to have. However, it is not hard to lose that weight as Jennifer Lopez managed to do. It is said that Jennifer Lopez ( "Jenny from the Block") gained 25 kilos from her pregnancy with twins, but is looking more fabulous than ever. So, how do the celebrities lose those extra pounds afterwards?

To get rid of excess pounds Jennifer Lopez trained several hours per day. After her photo shoot for "ELLE" magazine, and her dress not fitting with additional material and safety pins (therefore having to be enlarged), the 39-year-old deliberately said: "I'll have to do something."

She started with a fitness program: every day about two hours of swimming, to get into shape. You can lose about twice the amount of calories swimming than running, so this seemed ideal. In addition to jogging and cycling to increase stamina, weekly Pilate’s classes were a must. Staff trainer Gunnar Peterson combined stretching, strength and breathing exercises to train weaker muscle groups.

To make the tough training suffice, Jennifer Lopez (J. Lo) kept to a strictly balanced diet. For breakfast Jennifer Lopez ate mostly fresh fruit with yogurt or muesli with dried fruit (stimulating the intestines and stomach, leading to a higher fat burning lead). She made sure to keep the black bread with ham, and Nutella rolls out of sight. Lots of fresh vegetables and healthy foods filled Lopez's lunch and dinner table. Jennifer Lopez now does more than five months of their hard fitness program to keep off the baby's abdominal fat.

The favorite routes run by J. Lo are the beach and the waterfront promenade. Sand is particularly effective in the shortest possible time, since it is very difficult to run in. Another plus point for jogging on the beach is the great panorama that J. Lo often enjoys during her mornings.

Being a full time mom, with a husband constantly away on tour and trying to keep hold of her career as well, Jennifer Lopez has done well to get rid of the excess pounds. Now, four 20-30 seconds per unit spent in the gym, every Tuesday and Thursday. This is her training plan for the next few months, because soon, the new mother will be back on stage and singing live. She is after all a role model for many women and a sex symbol for millions of men.

