
Ab Workout Device - The Mxr Ab Workout Makes Exercising Safer

The MXR Ab Workouts Release And First Reviews

 The AB-MXR launched into King's Road Sporting Club on 8th November, 2011. Dust PR assembled a gathering to commemorate the very first store for the AB-MXR sporting a mixture of clients, customers, fitness trainers, health clubs as well as mass media in attendance.

 The window of the store was taken over to produce a strong affect for passers-by through building a pyramid of product containers and suspending AB-MXR Workouts from the ceiling - along with models undertaking routines! This received plenty of interest and had the people walking by asking questions about the item and wanting to know more.

 There have been product demos going on in store with models showcasing the full range of workout routines that you can do using the AB-MXR workout, which created talkability at the event and Joanna, the KRSC staff as well as the Public relations agency were readily available to answer the guest's questions.

 Joanna gave a speech with regards to the evolution of the product and the thought process and inventiveness about the concept. Chiropractor Doctor Mikael Porath Petersen additionally said a few words about the health and fitness benefits of the AB-MXR workout, since it was his input that produced the perfect cervical support for the neck. Right after people were scrambling to the tills!

 The actual event was a great success, and the AB-MXR Workouts were flying off the racks all night!

 The MXR Ab Work out is now so well liked, that even the Daily Mail are giving it a fantastic evaluation as revealed here...

 "Flat stomach? No sweat... A brand-new piece of apparatus offers to make sit-ups simpler, more effective and in fact entertaining, thanks to The AB-MXR work out.

 Sit-ups pose a problem. It will take only ten of them before your neck aches, so we stop trying before were anywhere near to a toned belly.

 Yet a brand new piece of apparatus promises to make ab crunches easier, more efficient and, whisper this, actually enjoyable.

 Developed by health and fitness coach Joanna Kabbani, the AB-MXR workout is designed to support the neck, so your sit-ups really focus on your abdominal fat. Its also well suited for rehabilitation. According to Joanna, you only need to use it for five minutes each day.

 Cynical, I joined up with her for a work out. The gadget is weighted (up to 3kg), along with small grips, and its molded to cushion your head and neck.

 It has been tested by chiropractor Dr Mikael Porath Petersen from Optimal Spine Medical center, who points out: It assists you to carry out symmetrical workout routines effectively and securely.

 Straight off I managed 15 sit-ups without any of my typical straining - I felt balanced and in control.

 I took the 1kg model home to test. It was simple to maneuver around the house and, in spite of being a whiplash victim, I was given the confidence that I was working out correctly. Its an excellent bit of kit - although I might need more than five minutes with it before Im bikini ready..."


What Supplements To Take In Your 3day Workout Routine

Taking supplements to help you in your 3day workout routine is a very serious topic. It is hard enough to find bodybuilding routines that work, let alone finding the exact tools that give you the boost to power through your 3day workout routine. The problem is that supplements are a very lucrative business and a lot of money is made off of these drugs. Most people trying to find bodybuilding routines that work or have a 3day workout routine at one point or another are exposed to supplements.

 So here is what you need to know to really get results out of your workout. On average most people who start a 3day workout routine or a diet plan or gym training fail within the first three months. Thats right, within 3 months it is all over. Coincidently, most transformation competitions are held over 12 weeks. Isnt that interesting! Supplement companies also know that if they provide a product that does nothing, but the user experienced some sort of result, they will keep on buying rather than mess with a good thing. So how does that help you with your 3day workout routine?

 What people need to realize is that supplements are there to help; they are there to assist you. The drug companies have all but convinced us that they are just about the real reason you have muscles. The real truth is the majority of supplements are rubbish. Yes there are some you can introduce into your 3day workout routine. But the majority will not make any difference what so ever. What does make all the difference is proper training and a good healthy and balanced nutrition. If you are struggling to gain muscle you need to look at that and not supplements!

 So which supplements do actually help with a 3day workout routine? The first must be an anti oxidant. Anti oxidants are responsible for fighting free radicals and will keep you at optimal functionality. This is a must have and there are two ways to introduce this supplement into your 3day workout routine. Eat more fruit and get a very good multi vitamin. Thats it. The only other supplement you will need is a protein powder. Preferably a whey protein powder because of its excellent amino acid profile. That is the only two supplements you really need.


Unique Mma Workout Tips

The recent explosion of mixed martial arts has motivated many people to take their new found interest in the sport to the next level. The majority of fight gyms offer classes in boxing, muay thai, brazillian jiu jitsu and wrestling. What most of them do not address is the sport-specific unique strength and conditioning exercises.

 Here are three guidelines for you to consider when planning your workout programme:

 1: Train your core- There is much more to core training than just sit-ups and push-ups. The power and speed of your punches, kicks and throws are all focused on the rotary strength of your of your core. The core region really is the central strength of your body and your MMA workouts should mainly consist of these unique exercises. The muscles of the body function together as a kinetic chain, and you are only as strong as your weakest link, since your core is involved in basically every movement you do inside the octagon, your weaknesses will completely throw you off your game and have a negative effect on your performance.

 2: Perform only sport-specific exercises- If you want to be a fighter, you'll have to stop doing those old bodybuilding workouts. Your workouts should consist of mainly multi-joint exercises that will carry over to your performance in the cage. So when you're about to start your next exercise ask yourself, what aspect of MMA will this help me with? if the exercise does not exactly simulate a specific movement, replace it with an exercise that does.

 3: Vary your training intensity- Fighting is performed at a very high intensity, so your training should always mimic this. You can achieve this through high intensity interval training. The purpose of this training is to increase your tolerance level to the build up of lactic acid. For example, vary your running training, do a long distance slow jog in the morning, around six miles, and in the afternoon, do interval sprints which involves sprinting at your maximum speed for a short distance, I would suggest 50 metre sprints, this will build your explosiveness and stamina. 


This Enjoyable Cardio Workout Will Melt Away Fat

A good cardio workout can be a great way to get your body in shape and shed any unwanted fat that's hanging around your body. The problem though, is that many people have it completely wrong! Certain types of cardio can be detrimental to your workout goals, while others can seriously boost your results. This cardio workout will have you shedding pounds fast.

 When you hear the word cardio, don't automatically relate the word "treadmill" with it. In fact, the farther you stay away from the treadmill the better results you'll likely have. They do have their place, but treadmills are known to be boring and tedious, which gets you in the wrong mindset right from the start.

 Instead of making your cardio workout boring and a chore that you don't want to do, find something that you enjoy and do that. I've found that hiking through the woods is one of the best, and most enjoyable cardio workouts there is. Plus it's really easy on your joints.

 Not only do you get to enjoy God's creation, but you also get a great workout. Even though you're moving at a pretty slow pace, hiking up an incline will do wonders for your body. Since hiking is a fairly intense activity it will break down your muscle tissue, which in turn boosts your metabolism for up to two days after your workout.

 This basically forces your body to burn extra calories 24/7, even when you're not exercising. If you absolutely can't get out onto a path in the woods to go hiking on, you can use the treadmill to get your cardio workout. Just take it slower and raise it to a high incline and you'll reap the same results, but without the beautiful surroundings. 


The Best Workout Headphones - Make Exercise Fun

Looking for the best workout headphones is something all of us fitness fanatics are desperately trying to find. From my experience music is a must have when I"m doing exercises that include: jogging, cycling, heavy bag workout and skipping. The biggest problem I found was the constant need to put my earphones back into my ears.

 The solution was simply, bin the basic headphones which came with my mp3 player and buy some headphones designed to be used during my workouts.
 You have a multiple choice of workout headphones to choose from, so it all comes down to what is comfortable for you. I personally use Sennheiser in ear (ear canal) headphones with come with 3 different sizes of foam padding so people have a choice to find which one is more comfortable in their ears. These fit perfectly and don"t come out unless I accidentally pull on the wire. At first they were a little uncomfortable but now I consider them the best set of workout headphones I have used.

 For the sporty people, a good option is the headband type of headphones; these keep the wires out of the way to avoid accidentally pulling on the wire and are very good and staying in your ears during a high intensity workout.
 No matter what sports you do you will be able to find some headphones which will enable you to listen to your favourite music for that extra boost.

 Check out the many reviews online on the many various brands and models which are available to you. Although a little more expensive why not take a look at some wireless headphones; these headphones can be big and bulky so not the best fashion accessory. Just make sure you find some earphones which provide quality sound through them; no point owning a brand new iPod with your favorite music and your brand new workout headphones only offer you poor sound quality.


How to Build a Quality 10 Minute Workout

The first step to reaching a ten minute workout is to set up 3-4 exercises in a circuit type format. So no more of these what I call "baseball game workouts" where you do a little bit of something and then sit or rest for a bit. It's one exercise right after another as quick and easy as 1-2-3-4.

The exercise equipment selection is very important because some exercises can take time and energy to set up so it will pay to stick to anything that requires almost no set up time. Body weight exercises and calisthenics are a perfect example because you just jump into position and get to it. Another great type of exercise is something that is based on lifting a solid free weight. So a dumbbell or two or a sandbag should do the trick.

Finally we want to use exercises that use as much muscle as possible. Instead of working small areas of the body (like the biceps with a set of curls) it is much faster to use a row or chin up to hit the biceps, the back, shoulders and core. Plus you might hit the legs and hips at the same time if you are doing a pulling motion that involves picking up a weight from the floor. These compound movements not only get more muscle working in a shorter period of time, but can also bring about a cardiovascular style of exercise to your workout so you not only gain a strength workout but a cardio workout as well.

So there are your basic rules; simply set up simple and easy to set up compound movements into a circuit style and rip through it for 10 minutes. The next time you find yourself short on time or energy just use these guidelines and you'll be finished with a quality workout in no time.

Free Bonus: As a free service I send out free weekly pre-made 10 minute workout through my newsletter; The Fit Rebel Free Press.


Marta Montenegro: Get “Farm Strong” with this Workout

I grew up spending every spring vacation at my family’s farm -- chasing pigs, hand picking crops, milking cows, riding horses and doing other ranch activities that left me exhausted without ever touching a dumbbell.
Men in their 50s who looked like they were in their 30s were a common site on the the farm. The women were toned because they worked just as hard as the men. Dieting or weight loss was never part of a discussion. It was more common to take someone to the hospital because of an incident with an animal – hardly ever because someone was sick. The truth is, most of these people I knew on the farm died from natural causes.
If you need evidence from the athletic world, at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, U.S. wrestler Rulon Gardner, a Wyoming farm boy, made a name for himself by defeating a much-favored Russian wrestler Aleksandr Karelin, who had never lost a match in over a decade before meeting Gardner in that gold medal contest. Karelin, of course, had access to the most state-of-the-art training facilities and advice in the world.
Vigorous job
It makes sense. Farmers are generally physically active at least six hours a day. They eat grass-fed meat, free-range chicken and eggs, beans and lentils, fresh milk, and vegetables and fruits from their home. Talk about eating local.
A recent study published by The Journal of Physical Activity & Health examined the relationship between the heavy carrying and lifting that farmers do and their overall physical condition. The majority of the sample studied exceeded the national physical activity guidelines for vigorous and muscle-strengthening exercise.
Activities considered ones of vigorous intensity by the American College of Sports Medicine are greater than six METs (Metabolic Equivalent) which is a reflection of how much energy is being expended, meaning that you’re working out at six times your resting metabolic rate – the energy expended at rest.
We can get the benefits of a farm workout
Even though the agricultural lifestyle is less common these days, we can mimic the farmer’s moves without much equipment. A barbell and/or dumbbells will be all what you need to train your whole body and tackle both the cardiovascular and neuro-muscular system, a combination that helps increase lean body mass and reduce body fat.
Sweat hard!
There are 3 super-set: two exercises performed one after another.
Rest at the end of each super-set for 60-90s.
Repeat each super-set 2-3 times.
Do the number of reps indicated in each exercise.
Some of the exercises are more power moves, which means that force and speed apply. Perform them smoothly and in control.
Exercises can be done with barbell, dumbbells and a pulley machine/or tubing.
Make sure that the last two reps are really hard to perform.
Do a general warm-up and an overall stretch at the end.
Marta Montenegro is an exercise physiologist, certified strength and conditioning coach and master trainer, who teaches as an adjunct professor at Florida International University. Marta has developed her own system of exercises used by professional athletes. Her personal website, martamontenegro.com, combines fitness, nutrition and health tips, exercise routines, recipes and the latest news to help you change your life but not your lifestyle. She was the founder of nationally awarded SOBeFiT magazine and the fitness DVD series Montenegro Method.


Strictly Come Dancing: Check out Holly Valance’s weight gain – you need to dance again I think!

Holly Valance did not win 2011′s Strictly Come Dancing and we think that she might have been so upset that she is comfort eating – have a look at the photos! The Kiss Kiss singer has been spotted by our sister site, StyleJacking, looking a little heavier than she was at the end of last year. This is typical of Strictly stars, it is such an intense workout that when you stop, it can be difficult for your body not to react to the drop in metabolism.

The 28-year-old actress and reality TV star was spotted this week eating lunch with Nick Candy in what StyleJacking calls, “…an awful, and unflattering, white outfit.” It could be that the outfit made her look heavier than she is but we know that Holly has battled with her weight before, she has talked about it on many occasions, in various articles.

 Everyone knows that unless you are completely fat free, you step away from a full white outfit and stick to black!
It is only a few months since Valance got voted off Strictly in the semi-finals and it has been a busy time for her. Holly got engaged in the Maldives just before Christmas so StyleJacking is predicting a well timed workout DVD or dramatic weight loss in advance of the wedding in 2013. Reality TV stars, as we know, do this all the time – Lauren Goodger, Jennifer Elison, Kerry Katona.

The couple gave the strangest reason for waiting until 2013 for the ceremony, they wanted to wait until the Queen’s Jubilee and Olympics were over – how strange!


Exercise at Home Cheaply

Working out in a public gym is not for everybody. No worries because you can still exercise at home, and get great results for a lot less money than a health club membership.

A public gym is not a prerequisite for achieving excellent fitness program results. The fact is you can get as good, or even better workouts in the comfort of your own home without having to purchase all the equipment found in public facilities.

There are many reasons you would want to workout at home. First off, it can be extremely inexpensive, convenient, and a huge time savor. Also, privacy is a major attraction.

Let's face it, time is a factor these days. A great way to save time is by working out at home. You are then effectively saving time on the drive, and avoiding the wait between machines.

So do you need a huge home gym to enjoy results? The answer is no! As a matter of fact, you can exercise at home for a ridiculously small investment, even in your living room. No, you don't need a basement full of individual station machines in order to positively change your body. Most people can get away with using a theraband, dumbells, and their own body weight in order to get an effective workout.

Such exercises as squats, lunges, stair climbing, and pushups are a few movements you can do. So forget all the expensive equipment! You should be able to invest less than $100, and have a great home gym.

Here is what I recommend:

1) A couple of sets of dumbells.

2) A theraband for resistance.

3) A Swiss ball.

Surprise! In addition to your bodyweight, that is all you really need to get great fitness program results.

The other aspect of exercise at home is setting yourself up for a positive experience. I recommend designating a specific area where you are going to do your exercises. This area should be a place where you will not be disturbed. You should also carefully plan your exercise program prior to starting, and schedule your workouts on your calendar to maintain consistency.

Exercising in a local gym, or health club is not necessary for achieving excellent fitness program results. I'm sure you now realize that it is very effective, efficient, and inexpensive to exercise at home. So designate your home fitness area, and get moving.


Reasons For Why You Should Eat Fruits and Vegetables

When people are forming their daily diet habits, they usually favor meats, proteins and carbohydrates. Furthermore, our modern style of living also pressures us into eating lots of fast foods and deep fried or micro waved foods. However, all of this takes a toll in our bodies and most people end up with various diseases such as Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney Failure and various other illnesses caused by the weakening of the immune system.

Hence, you should change your daily eating habits, so that you can become more healthier and fitter. This means that you should incorporate more servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Physicians recommend that 3 to 6 servings of vegetables and fruits should be included in your daily meals.

Most importantly dark green vegetables and dark colored fruits (such as blueberries, strawberries etc) contain flavonoids which are important substances that help our bodies to protect against various forms of cancer. One such reason for this is because of the fact that human bodies are engineered inherently to be vegetarians as meat eating was not apparent until well after the Ice Age. Until that time human beings lived as gatherers versus living as hunters which became apparent after the Ice Age.

Vegetables and fruits also contain important nutrients and anti oxidants that are very important to the functioning of your body's immune system. These antioxidants and nutrients include such items like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc.

Eating of fruits and vegetables are also important due to the fact that they allow your body's hunger process to be sated more faster compared to eating proteins and fats. Also compared to other forms of food, vegetables and fruits also contain fiber which is beneficial to your body and this also allows them to be absorbed more slowly in to your blood stream.


The Many Benefits of Mini Trampoline Exercises

Mini Trampoline Exercises

Rebound exercise, also generally known as rebounding, is a form of low-impact exercise on a mini trampoline called a rebounder. This type of exercise is advocated by numerous health and fitness professionals because has both physical and mental as well as many other benefits. It is an easy way to exercise which can be done by practically anybody, irrespective of age, level of fitness, or physical ailments. A few good examples of mini trampoline exercises include things like running in place, jumping rope, and jumping jacks, as well as many others.

It works each and every group of muscles in order to sculpt and strengthen the whole body. Rebounder exercises are considerably less dangerous than most other exercises, because the cushion of the rebounder soaks up the majority of the impact. It really is fantastic for those who have joint and back issues. The advantages of rebounding routines on a mini trampoline are well known for aiding in weight loss, strength training without building bulk, and so much more.

Mini trampoline exercises are quickly becoming the best option for all types of individuals because of the rebounder's power to strengthen and sculpt the body. Virtually every single group of muscles is pushed throughout the workout, especially the core muscles. Including small weights or jumping rope while on the mini trampoline intensifies the training even more.

Rebounder workouts also improve the metabolism, helping an individual lose even more weight. They are reasonably priced and transportable, which makes them a perfect piece of home fitness equipment. Including rebounding exercise is an easy way to create a complete weight loss program.

The key benefits of rebounding exercise is not only limited to the physical, it also actively works to improve the overall performance of the brain and relieve tension. It also has a wonderful meditation type effect. It helps balance the mind and body by stabilizing the central nervous system, anyone who rebounds, on a regular basis, is much more protected from the tensions and pressures caused by our modern day lifestyle.

Rebounder exercises offer a hassle-free type of whole body training. First-timers to experienced athletes to the elderly can use them to improve the cardiovascular system and physical endurance. Training on the trampoline can also help protect against coronary disease, while reducing cholesterol levels, as well as lowering blood pressure levels.


Lose Weight Quickly With Martial Arts

If you are looking to lose weight quickly, it may be time for you to take up martial arts. You can choose from several different forms of the exercise, based on what is being offered, times available and cost. Men and women can work on their cardio fitness, as well as lean muscle mass and hand-eye coordination. Practicing the sport can also do wonders for your overall state-of-mind. If you are unfamiliar with the Eastern discipline, you can simply start out slow until you pick up the basic moves and begin to burn plenty of belly fat.

Martial arts are fantastic for quickly burning calories off of your body. A person can easily burn between 350 and 500 calories from doing karate for 30 minutes. If you consider yourself a beginner that is simply looking to get into better shape, bagua and qigong are great to start out with. Tai chi can also be considered easy on your body, burning only 100 to 200 calories in every half an hour. They start out slow, concentrating on breathing and lean muscle mass. Stress is minimal on your joints.

Physical training is often part of kickboxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu, as well as certain forms of karate. Taekwondo is the single most popular oriental martial art in the nation. Regardless which form you should to help you lose belly fat, you should expect to lose 2 pounds every week. Of course, you have to do more than just martial arts if you want to get skinny. Rather than being combative, you can always start learning Capoeira, a complex art from Brazil that infuses music and dance into precise defense and fighting moves. There's even a sport designed to entertain spectators with a blend of boxing, wrestling and karate into a ring. Many times, the games are created in a Hollywood studio.

In order to effectively lose weight, you have to get your heart rate elevated enough to burn more calories than you take in. When practicing martial arts for weight loss, you should keep your body active with one exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes at a time. You can then make your next workout a little harder for another 10 minutes. With time, you can increase the intensity and the length of your exercises.

Start eating wisely too. Fruits, veggies and whole-grains are your friends. For meat, concentrate on fish and white meat chicken. Just say no to the drive-through and any chocolaty desserts. Wash everything down with water to keep your body properly hydrated.

Like any sport, you always have to remember your safety when doing martial arts to lose weight quickly. Nobody wants to get injured, twisting an ankle or spraining a knee. They can be extremely painful and obstruct your daily routine for weeks at a time. This is why you must always perform the correct forms of the different exercises. You must have full control of your movements and balance, as well as good coordination. You need to power up your big muscles, like your arms and legs to prevent injuries. The body of a martial arts athlete is never fragile.


Few Tips For Chest Workout Exercises

There may be many questions arising in your mind under this concern as to which exercises will build large, muscular chest muscles and which exercises are best to develop and prompt your chest to grow.

 The best and easiest way to find out various chest exercises and to remove any confusion while performing the workout at the gym and home is by reading authentic stuff about chest workout exercises. This website is very popular and lists a number of useful chest exercises you can perform on a regular basis in order to have the chest and an over-all physique development that you wish to have. There are many effective exercises to improve your upper body and these exercises are also helpful for an over-all strong appearance. Actually most of the people waste their workouts and time by doing various exercises which are not effective but positive changes can be achieved by adopting proper exercises in the proper manner.

 There are no benefits to any exercises if you are unable to get the desired changes in your chest muscles, for that you can always go online and find out various exercises which will help develop your chest better than you had ever imagined. There is absolute belief that by learning the correct procedure of doing exercises you can reach your targets to create an impressive muscular chest. The key to success is to use a variety of chest exercises at different angles to properly stimulate growth along with achieving maximum benefits for an overall development. Each different angle you use, will bring changes to your chest muscles and from all the different exercises you perform for your chest, the desired results will come.

 You should consider all the variables that can help you get positive results from your exercises by going online and searching for best exercises that will give the looks to your chest that you want to see. It is very easy to go through the website online and do various exercises whether at home or at gym. 


The Best Butt Exercise For the Ladies - How Can I Get Firmer Buttocks

The best butt exercise has been proven to be the one that can firm and tone the rear butt muscles. The best booty exercise must incorporate the squats, the dead lifts, and the lunges. The butt is made up of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and the Gluteus Minimus.

The largest and most important muscle that must be thoroughly worked on is the Gluteus Maximus. It is the reason the lunges, dead lifts and particularly the squats are the most important fitness routine for firming the butt. Any of the movements that target your Gluteus Maximus makes you lose the fat. They must involve cardio exercise, weight training and a recommended healthy diet.

So the best exercise routine will incorporate the following:

Interval workout - the treadmill workout is recommended.

Alternating the routines, doing something different each time; change from running to swimming or alternate walking with cycling and so on. Keep on alternating such that what you did yesterday would be different today.

Increase the intensity of workout, going faster and harder each time to burn more calories. In this, you need to take care to watch your heart rate.

Lift heavier weights to challenge your muscles regularly.

Target the Gluteus Maximus, your butt area, through hiking, climbing the stairs, cycling and step aerobics.

Also try the assisted squat. It is a squat variant done by wrapping a strong cloth or towel around a strong object like a pole in front of you, with the feet hip-width spread apart and abs in. Do the squats while holding or pulling the cloth towards you.

The Single Leg Squat /Step Up can be done using a 12-14 '' platform and holding dumbbells for greater resistance. All these are exercises which you can do easily.


Losing Belly Fat in Just 10 Minutes - Exercise - Six Pack Abs in 3 Weeks

Enrolling in an expensive gym is not the only solution in losing belly fat. Well, money is not the mere secret towards a healthy body. There are belly fat exercises that can be done in just ten minutes yet the results are overwhelming. Keli Roberts has developed this fitness exercise that is highly energized and can burn up to 150 calories per day.

First, in just two minutes, you will do a double jump rope exercise. Do it by jumping twice in each rope turn. Be sure that your jump rope size is correct and you land on the upper part of your foot or what we called the balls of your foot.

For the next minute of the routine, you will execute some sort of push up in a squat thrust position. To do it properly, you need to stand first on your feet with your shoulder wide apart and on your arms are positions straight on your sides. Position your head forward and gently squat down. Put your hands pointing forward just outside of your feet and into the floor. Keep doing a push up and then back to a squat position and stand up.

Next three to four minutes, again, do a jump rope but this time, only one jump per turn of rope. These belly fat exercises will keep you fit.

Then again in four to five minutes, start back to push up and squat thrust but with the addition of side plank exercise by lifting and rotating your left arm over your head and your left foot on top of your right. Look up at the ceiling and back to the center. Keep repeating to both sides and then back to the starting position and start all over again.

For five to six minutes, you will do a jump rope again.

Next six to seven minutes is the same as in two to three-minute routine but this time a twelve inches lift of your toes is needed and only after your push up is over. Repeat again and again to your other side and then to this side again and so on.

Again, jump rope for seven to eight minutes.

Then, add Mountain Climbers with your Push up and squat thrust for two minutes. That will be for eight and nine minutes. After your push up, you will then jog quickly, bringing your knees up to your chest each turns. You can do five jogs and start this process over again.

Lastly, same as your first two minutes, jump rope, and think that this kind of belly fat exercise will keep you lose fat especially those stored in your stomach.


Zumba Fitness Rush

Last year around this time the world was a'flutter with Zumba silliness, and we got in on the action giving Zoe Mode's Zumba Fitness game a spin. It was rather horrible. Still, people flocked in droves to buy it, and then presumably spent the next few months flopping around their living rooms in their spandex tights, pretending to be Shakira J. Lopez, or whatever her name is, which obviously prompted whoever makes money out of these things to make another one, and here it is: Zumba Fitness Rush, spinning menacingly in my disc tray.

Since the original shipped great big mountains of copies, developer Zoe Mode could probably have just added new songs and perhaps a co-op Horde Mode (those are all the rage these days, aren't they?), so colour me surprised to see that they've actually put in a bit of effort with this new one. It's still a bit of a stretch to call it a game though - the first title was a glorified workout video, and Zumba Rush doesn't do too much to dispel that perception.

The core issue, carried over from last year, is that Zumba Rush doesn't really seem to care about what you're doing on your side of the screen. As long as you're moving, shaking, wiggling and jiggling, you're doing okay. You are hardly ever given instruction beyond "do what the dancer on-screen does!". There is no way of knowing which moves are coming up next (short of memorizing the songs and their accompanying steps), and good old Kinect is very nonchalant about enforcing the steps properly. The result is a feeling of disconnection from the game - a feeling that you may as well just be watching a fitness DVD.

To overcome that, you really have to throw yourself into the Zumba vibe. First of all, forget that Kinect doesn't give a damn whether you hop or pop or flop at the right time. Pretend that it actually matters that you're busting those funky moves in time to the beat. Secondly, forget that you look like an idiot. Because, well, you do. And there's nothing you can do about that. I found that once I let myself go with it, overcame my inherent shyness and distrust of anything that wants me to "shake what my mama gave me", I actually had a good time.

The tracklist plays a big part in sucking you in to a Zumba-induced trance. With a wider variety of tunes, including well-known hits, and covering even more dance styles than last year, you honestly have to have a cement soul not to be moved by these rhythms. There's something fun and celebratory about this kind of music - like a soundtrack to a street carnival. Even the non-Latino styles, such as hip hop and dance, carry that same exuberance that makes grown men gyrate in dangerous ways.

This jubilant atmosphere is given a boost by huge improvements to both the presentation and visual style in comparison to last year's title. Zumba Fitness Rush brings a Dance Central style to the on-screen characters, quite authentically modelled on real-life Zumba veteran instructors, making them more relatable than the brightly coloured silouettes we had last time. The vibrant but one-dimensional dance stages from the previous title have been replaced with lively, well animated environments. From a presentation perspective, menus are bright, easier to navigate, clearly labelled and make passable use of Kinect to get the job done.

It's a pity that Kinect drops the ball when it counts, though. Most of the time feedback for your movements is either non-existent or incorrect. You may just think you're a natural dancer, pulling off move after move without error, until you test the system - I did a bit of 60s-era twisting when I should have been doing a nifty Cha Cha Cha, and scored about the same hit rate as I did when trying to do it properly. So much like last year then. The camera angles also cause problems when you do make the mistake of trying to follow the routines accurately - there are too many cut-aways mid-move, or close-ups of the lead dancers' feet, making it difficult to follow the full body movements you're meant to be mimicking.

A lot of the issues would be negated if there was more certainty over what kind of game this is meant to be. See, Zoe Mode has done quite a bit to move Zumba Fitness Rush into the realm of the dancing game instead of a straight fitness title, highlighting the game's weaknesses in the process. It's just not convincing, accurate or challenging enough to be a dance game to compete with Dance Central and the like. The lack of real depth to any of the modes also counts against it, with only a rudimentary statistics record to show for your troubles.

We are usually far more forgiving of a fitness title with no delusions of grandeur, and it's as a straightforward workout tool that Zumba Fitness Rush is strongest. Overlook the inconsistent motion tracking, silly scoring mechanism and other traditional game elements, and the underlying fitness package here is solid. Taking on a single song is tiring enough, but string together a proper Zumba Workout - or go head to head with a friend locally or in a group online - and the sweat will soon be flowing merrily. I'll admit that I discredited Zumba as a way to slim down in the past, even after playing the first game, but Zumba Fitness Rush has silenced me. A far more compelling prospect than before, with good tunes, improved graphics and well programmed routines, making this a worthy addition to your workout plan. But it will take more that that to get Zumba Fitness to overcome its reputation as a (barely) interactive workout video.