
Lose Weight Quickly With Martial Arts

If you are looking to lose weight quickly, it may be time for you to take up martial arts. You can choose from several different forms of the exercise, based on what is being offered, times available and cost. Men and women can work on their cardio fitness, as well as lean muscle mass and hand-eye coordination. Practicing the sport can also do wonders for your overall state-of-mind. If you are unfamiliar with the Eastern discipline, you can simply start out slow until you pick up the basic moves and begin to burn plenty of belly fat.

Martial arts are fantastic for quickly burning calories off of your body. A person can easily burn between 350 and 500 calories from doing karate for 30 minutes. If you consider yourself a beginner that is simply looking to get into better shape, bagua and qigong are great to start out with. Tai chi can also be considered easy on your body, burning only 100 to 200 calories in every half an hour. They start out slow, concentrating on breathing and lean muscle mass. Stress is minimal on your joints.

Physical training is often part of kickboxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu, as well as certain forms of karate. Taekwondo is the single most popular oriental martial art in the nation. Regardless which form you should to help you lose belly fat, you should expect to lose 2 pounds every week. Of course, you have to do more than just martial arts if you want to get skinny. Rather than being combative, you can always start learning Capoeira, a complex art from Brazil that infuses music and dance into precise defense and fighting moves. There's even a sport designed to entertain spectators with a blend of boxing, wrestling and karate into a ring. Many times, the games are created in a Hollywood studio.

In order to effectively lose weight, you have to get your heart rate elevated enough to burn more calories than you take in. When practicing martial arts for weight loss, you should keep your body active with one exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes at a time. You can then make your next workout a little harder for another 10 minutes. With time, you can increase the intensity and the length of your exercises.

Start eating wisely too. Fruits, veggies and whole-grains are your friends. For meat, concentrate on fish and white meat chicken. Just say no to the drive-through and any chocolaty desserts. Wash everything down with water to keep your body properly hydrated.

Like any sport, you always have to remember your safety when doing martial arts to lose weight quickly. Nobody wants to get injured, twisting an ankle or spraining a knee. They can be extremely painful and obstruct your daily routine for weeks at a time. This is why you must always perform the correct forms of the different exercises. You must have full control of your movements and balance, as well as good coordination. You need to power up your big muscles, like your arms and legs to prevent injuries. The body of a martial arts athlete is never fragile.

