
Unique Mma Workout Tips

The recent explosion of mixed martial arts has motivated many people to take their new found interest in the sport to the next level. The majority of fight gyms offer classes in boxing, muay thai, brazillian jiu jitsu and wrestling. What most of them do not address is the sport-specific unique strength and conditioning exercises.

 Here are three guidelines for you to consider when planning your workout programme:

 1: Train your core- There is much more to core training than just sit-ups and push-ups. The power and speed of your punches, kicks and throws are all focused on the rotary strength of your of your core. The core region really is the central strength of your body and your MMA workouts should mainly consist of these unique exercises. The muscles of the body function together as a kinetic chain, and you are only as strong as your weakest link, since your core is involved in basically every movement you do inside the octagon, your weaknesses will completely throw you off your game and have a negative effect on your performance.

 2: Perform only sport-specific exercises- If you want to be a fighter, you'll have to stop doing those old bodybuilding workouts. Your workouts should consist of mainly multi-joint exercises that will carry over to your performance in the cage. So when you're about to start your next exercise ask yourself, what aspect of MMA will this help me with? if the exercise does not exactly simulate a specific movement, replace it with an exercise that does.

 3: Vary your training intensity- Fighting is performed at a very high intensity, so your training should always mimic this. You can achieve this through high intensity interval training. The purpose of this training is to increase your tolerance level to the build up of lactic acid. For example, vary your running training, do a long distance slow jog in the morning, around six miles, and in the afternoon, do interval sprints which involves sprinting at your maximum speed for a short distance, I would suggest 50 metre sprints, this will build your explosiveness and stamina. 

