
Fitness programs: 6 steps to guide your selection

Fitness programs abound, from yoga and Pilates to step aerobics and strength training — either at home or in a gym. So which type of fitness program is best for you? Use these six simple steps to find out.
Step 1: Assess your fitness level

You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But assessing and recording baseline fitness scores can help you set your fitness goals and measure your progress. To assess your aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition, consider recording:

    Your pulse rate before and immediately after a one-mile walk
    How long it takes to walk one mile
    How many push-ups you can do at a time
    How far you can reach forward while seated on the floor with your legs in front of you
    Your waist circumference at the level of your navel
    Your body mass index

You may also want to consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you've been sedentary or you have any chronic medical conditions.
Step 2: Determine your fitness goals

Keeping your fitness level in mind, think about why you want to start a fitness program. Perhaps your doctor has suggested that you start a fitness program to lose weight. If you're already active, perhaps you want to rev up your fitness program to prepare for a 5K race or get ready for a favorite sport. Having clear goals can help you stay motivated.
Step 3: Consider your likes and dislikes

Next think about the types of physical activities you enjoy most. After all, a fitness program doesn't need to be drudgery. You're more likely to keep up with a fitness program you enjoy. If you love riding your bicycle, consider a cycling class. If you have a blast on the dance floor, an aerobics class that includes dance moves would be a good bet. If you're a social person, a gym or health club membership may be the ticket. If you prefer to exercise alone or you find health clubs intimidating, exercises you can do at home may be best.
Step 4: Think variety

Varying your activities — or cross-training — can keep exercise boredom at bay. Cross-training also reduces the risk of injuring or overusing one specific muscle or joint. When you plan your fitness program, consider alternating among activities that emphasize different parts of your body — walking, swimming and strength training, for example.
Step 5: Do the math

Make sure your fitness choices are in line with your budget. If a gym membership or home exercise equipment is too pricey, consider cheaper options for getting in shape. You can base a fitness program around brisk daily walks and inexpensive hand-held weights or resistance bands. Many recreation departments offer discounted fitness classes to local residents, and many schools open their pools to the public for inexpensive lap swimming. You might also consider buying used exercise equipment — or sharing the cost with a friend.
Step 6: Go for it!

You've thought through your likes and dislikes and the pros and cons of various types of fitness programs. Now it's time to get physical! Remember to start slowly and build up intensity gradually. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends:

    At least two hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (think brisk walking or swimming) or one hour and 15 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity (such as running) — preferably spread throughout the week
    Strength training exercises at least twice a week

Remember, each workout puts you one step closer to reaching your fitness goals. If you get bored or lose interest in your fitness program, don't be afraid to try something new. Reassess your fitness level and set new fitness goals. The result? A future of improved fitness and better health.


Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises Helped Maintain Strength

Dumbbell shoulder exercises helped get me back to my old
self. While I was in high school, I played quarterback for the football team. I
was asked to throw the ball a lot, and it really made my throwing shoulder hurt
after a few weeks into the season. Towards the end of the season, every single
time I threw the ball, my shoulder would crack and pop. I got to the point
where it hurt to even lift any weights just because of my right shoulder. I
went and saw the high school’s athletic trainer and then an actual doctor and I
was told that I had impingement in my throwing shoulder. Impingement is
essentially tendonitis in your shoulder from overuse of it. It starts out with
just mild pain when you are using the shoulder, but it progresses into loss of
strength and pain even just from laying on it.
The doctor told me that I’d be able to play through the
basketball season with it, but that I would have to do a lot of rehab if I wanted
to be able to pitch in the spring for baseball. I wanted to be able to perform
as well as I could, so as soon as basketball was over I started rehabbing for
baseball. I got through my rehab at the expected time, but the athletic trainer
said that the only way I’d be able to not have symptoms of my impingement again
was if I continued to do my rehab exercises, but also to start some dumbbell
shoulder exercises. I was told that if I made my shoulder and the muscles
around my shoulder strong enough through things such as dumbbell shoulder
exercises, I wouldn’t experience these pains again and I would be able to keep
playing and keep pitching. To this day I still try and do dumbbell shoulder
exercises so that I never have to experience my impingement again.


What Is Functional Strength Training?

Functional strength training has become a popular concept in the would of fitness. In actuality it is not new, it involves boosting one's physical prowess using a selection of techniques that were popular prior to the onset of the modern gym. The basic aim is to train in such a way that the gains brought about can be carried over and used in real life situations.

The target is to work towards a physique that can be helpful in one's life. This goal should be one that is related to real life functions and activities as opposed to enhancing muscle mass just for vanity. The approach is one that is of value for those people who require optimum strength for their jobs or for a sport that they take part in. For example, people in the building trade often need to carry heavy loads around construction sites, and rugby players need to have strong arms and legs to be able to outperform other players.

This type of workout regime would allow you to become stronger as a whole rather than just in one specific area. What's more, you would be a lot healthier, leaner, and fitter than the average person today. The benefits that are on offer through this approach are many.

You may be wondering how you can differentiate between those exercise which are functional and those that are not. In a basic sense, any exercise that trains you whole body as unit can be classified in this way. The aim is to build and enhance multiple physical attributes simultaneously.

One of the best examples of this kind of exercise is the squat. When practicing squats you are involving several muscle groups. Your hips, glutes and hamstrings would all be used and toned, and your abs, are also given a workout. The squat is a great all round exercise, as it helps to prepare the body for many of life's chores. Consider how many times a day you need to pick up stuff off the floor, or move from a sitting position to a standing position.

Functional strength training can help you to remain strong, flexible, and mobile into old age. No matter what your current fitness level, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose by working out using this kind of approach. Moreover, by enhancing your all round ability, you should find that your mental toughness also is enhanced.


Jennifer Nicole Lee Sells Out Exclusive Fitness Model Factory 1 Day Mega Event in Heart of Hollywood

Bestselling author and CEO of the world famous Fitness Model Factory Production Establishment, Jennifer Nicole Lee has confirmed a sellout event in the entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles California. JNL's management team has confirmed a completely overbooked event, filled with some of the nation's most powerful and influential fitness, wellness and healthy experts.

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) March 29, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee likes big things, big events, and big news. She states, "small things make me shrink inside, and I don't like impotent subjects or productions. My mottos is go big or go home. And yes, the bigger the better. It take the same amount of energy to focus on small goals as it does big goals. So, I only do my productions up big, and only invite the best, and work with the best." Next up on JNL's super packed busy agenda is her big celebration in April the 22 in Los Angeles, with some of the most powerful women who she has handpicked.

By way of background, Jennifer Nicole Lee is the CEO and President of the Fitness Model Factory. The Fitness Model Factory is JNL's brain child of what she needed to create in the fitness and wellness, beauty glamour industry. It's a full production house providing consulting, insight, and many resources from videography, campaigns, coaching and also the baseline photography needed for promotional uses.

Jennifer Nicole Lee opened up her Miami based Fitness Model Factory last year, in March, with a major grand opening on April the 16th 2012. When asked what the future is for her Fitness Model Factory Production house, JNL stated, "JNL Worldwide, Inc has now joined forces with some of the biggest names, brands and labels due to the fact that I opened the Fitness Model Factory Production studio. Im proud to say that my Fitness Model Factory (FMF) is now an iconic legendary destination spot that is so hot, many travel over 30 hours by plane to enjoy the experience of working with my team and creating life long memories, media, photos and videos that will give them joy the rest of their lives."

Also at this mega one day event is JNL's business partner Mr. Claude Taylor. JNL has coined him as "Mr. Big," who is a master photographer with the most upright work ethic. He states, "Daily I pound my craft to be the best out there, second to none." Jennifer Nicole Lee and Mr. Big have worked on numerous productions together at her Fitness Model Factory, which again is the creative house of many of their campaigns for contracts presented to their company.

One thing is for sure, with over 50 magazine covers, and her 3rd book out entitled The Fun Fit Foodie Cookbook, and her 4th book in the works called "Beyond the Bikini," and her JNL Fusion exercise 12 DVD set soon to launch at http://www.JNLFusion.com, Team JNL shows no signs of slowing down.

Attending the event are fellow heavy hitters and leaders in the wellness, fitness, beauty, glamour and fashion industry. the event co-hosted by Marina Aleksintser who is a JNL Fusion Master trainer and also the world's first ever FMF West Coast Winner to her 2011 casting call. "Marina is a leader and a true creative force to be reckoned with, as she constantly has super potent ideas, and also not to forget to mention just how photogenic, gorgeous, strong, charming, and fearless she is. To know that she is a mom and a wife, just like me, yet has an unquenchable thirst for creating, challenging fashion, and also entrepreneurial ship, it's now wonder why we are very close and extremely good business partners."


Asheville's Susan Reinhardt on the benefits of performing lunges, squats and splits while cleaning house and grocery shopping

Last week as I got down on my hands and knees to mop the floors, I realized my heart rate soared through the target zone.

As I washed the mirrors and glass tables, my shoulders ached from the stretching and exertion.

Here’s the point. No one loves cleaning except those with obsessive compulsive disorder. And not enough Americans are adding fitness into their daily to-do list.

Why not try what Stephen Markovich practices? He uses his vacuum cleaner as a tool to pull off lunges, pops a round of squats while washing windows and cuts splits on the living room carpet from his home in Pleasant Springs, Ky.

He also lifts the sofa and does press-ups on the dining room table.

I first learned of Stephen’s approach to knock out a good home scrub combined with cardio and strength moves when someone sent me a newspaper clipping. After doing more research, I discovered he might be onto something.

Pushing 60 and powerfully lean, Stephen has kept himself in shape by performing what he calls his “aerobic house cleaning,” exercises he’s devised using fixtures and furnishing.

He hopes to make some money off his new gig, much in the same way as Carolyn Barnes, who lives near L.A. and calls herself the “cLean Mama,” followed by her slogan, “Get Lean While You Clean.”

She’s in great shape and over 40, coming up with the idea following her son’s bout with stomach flu.

After countless, “rag drags” to clean the messes, she felt an idea burning like a pair of overworked quads. So she created a DVD. She’d gained weight with both pregnancies and had no time for the gym.

Now, her mops and sudsy props have sculpted her body back to its former dancer’s physique.

Stephen, her friendly competition for claiming cleaning as their new gym, said cardio-chores have worked well for him.

“I wanted to show overweight people that there is a way they can stay in shape outside of these traditional routes,” he said in an interview with The Sun. “Everyone has to clean their house, so why not look at it as an opportunity to get some exercise?”


10 Reasons You Need Personal Training Software

Personal training is a personal experience. For both you and your clients. Ever wish you could be there for them more? Maybe you can! Consider moving to an online resource to track your clients. Here are 10 ways that utilizing a personal training software can help you grow your business and offer more personalized service.
Charge more for your services
Offer your clients a high touch service 24/7 where you monitor and track their progress. Online personal training software is inexpensive and yet creates value for clients that they are willing to pay much more for.
Train more clients in less time
Find a software that includes an innovative alert system, reporting capabilities and sharing mechanisms; you can train more clients in less time. This means more money in your pocket.
24/7 coach-client access
On average you may only spend 1 to 3 hours a week face to face with a client. Using an online approach you can be with them for the other 165+ hours a week, monitoring their progress and providing them with immediate feedback.
Build stronger relationships
Constant interaction with your clients allows you to build stronger relationships and a more loyal customer base. Your clients will view you as a PARTNER in their fitness journey...not just another coach for hire.
Make your clients more successful
Your client's success is not just a reflection of you and your business; it is a powerful marketing tool. Tracking online will allow you to customize your coaching and provide the most powerful part of your business - your expertise 24/7.
Differentiate yourself from your competition
Find a solution that allows you to provide your expertise using a set of unique tools that far exceed other online systems today.
Promote your company brand
Personal training software should allow you to brand yourself within their system. Set up tools and schedules for clients to follow. It's you and your expertise, just online! You look professional and project value that attracts and keeps clients.
Expand your business
Coach more individuals in less time; and do the same for the coaches you employ. Manage and monitor all of your coaches no matter where they are located.
Create new opportunities
Use a software to work not just for one-on-one relationships, but also for groups. Create more interactive programming by giving groups of individuals your enhanced attention. Increase the number of clients each coach can manage.
Happy, cared for clients
When your client knows you are there with them every step of the way there is no better feeling. Happier clients stay longer and refer often...making you a sought after and highly visible coach!
Start Your Free 45 Day Trial Today!
The capabilities of 411Fit's Coaching Edition have been developed by experienced programmers over 8 years. The company itself it run by fitness professionals who helped shape the software. Take a look - it might mean the growth of your business!


The Best Home Workout Equipment

Gone are the days when we simply get a treadmill or bicycle and these exercise machines can be one-dimensional and limit the possibility of doing other exercises, it used to cost too much to buy one. Thanks to the new exercise machines, they now provide great function and give your money's worth.
New equipment in the market offer easy storage or quick assembly. It may be an answer to problems about space, but sometimes, such home equipment fold into awkward shapes that storage becomes an issue and still take up space. Even the assembly sometimes turn out to be a work out in itself leaving you with little energy to even do your routine. So, make sure that you have space. Make sure that storage would be easy. You can get the ones that easily folds and slides under the bed.
Your gym equipment at home should meet its function and more. Consider the ones that you would use more often. Consider your workout and get equipment that incorporates these routines. Consider how this equipment can elevate your current intensity level. Like a medicine ball, for example. Not only can you use this for balance exercises, you can also incorporate this as an alternative to a bench. You can also do modified push-up and curl-ups. It doesn't only take up too much space, the medicine ball can also be incorporated in a lot of different routines such as aerobics, strength training and even Pilates. It would be great that you invest in equipment that provides a wide variety of functions.
Check your budget. Getting a medicine ball doesn't cost you too much. You can also go back to the basics like purchasing adjustable weights. Using a medicine ball during your chest press or chest-fly instead of a bench also improves your balance. It's also possible to get resistance bands to replace weights. They are affordable and do not take up much of storage space. Why buy a treadmill when you can get the same workout when you skip ropes? What work out is best for your oblique muscles that also works for your balance? You can get an inexpensive waist twist disc to do this. You can also purchase a used gym equipment. After all, it is about the function, not the feature.
Working out at home doesn't have to be expensive and really doesn't require fancy equipment. Workout machines are there to assist you in getting the best out of your workout routines. The best Workout Equipment for your home is a working machine, the one that you can keep on using. It will only do its magic if you sit on it and start doing your routines. The results can only be achieved if you are fully dedicated to your goal. As the famous shoe brand would tell you, "Just do it!"


Barre Fitness North Shore Opening (and a contest!)

You may remember that a couple of years ago, I wrote about Barre Fitness, a wonderful studio with very specific models of exercise (with a barre, like the one you use for classical ballet training). Barre Fitness has been so successful in Yaletown that they have expanded to the North Shore (the official opening is next week) and to celebrate, they’ve entrusted me with a prize pack: 2-week pass, a Barre Fitness t-shirt and socks so you can use them for your exercise. Frankly, I don’t think a lot of people realized how much of a workout you require to be a dancer, let alone a dancer who competes or does this for a living! So I’m glad Barre Fitness does this.

Barre Fitness is an invigorating 1 hour workout that will change your body! Ballet barre based workouts have been toning and shaping celebrity bodies for over 50 years, and now Barre Fitness is the first studio of its kind in Canada.

Barre Fitness Launch Aug 2010

To enter my giveaway, all you need to tell me is what do you do for exercise? Most people ask me how do I get as much done in the time I have (to have an academic life AND a social media life). The answer is: I exercise very early in the morning. That way I am energized for the rest of the day. I do cardio 3 days a week and weights 3 days a week, but I am definitely considering joining Barre Fitness, given that I am trained as a competitive dancer!

I will draw winners of this giveaway on Friday April 27th at 2pm, so that you can make use of your 2 week pass right after the opening. And as usual, a comment here and a tweet will earn you a total of 2 entries. Good luck everyone!

P90X Vs 10-Minute Trainer! Real Fitness in Just 10 Minutes Or All Hype? -10 Minute Trainer

The world is looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight and get in great shape and marketing campaigns have been launched in every facet of fitness to give consumers just that. Two of the most popular workout programs designed to get you fit and toned quickly are Tony Horton's P90X and 10-Minute Trainer. Tony Horton is often dubbed the 'fitness expert to the stars' and developed both programs as an efficient way for people to get in shape. Do they work and which one is best for you largely depend on your goals.
10-Minute trainer is just that. It is packed with powerful 10-minute exercise programs that work best when stacked together. You get a 10-minute workout that will completely focus on one specific body part and when done routinely, consumers give rave reviews. The P90X (P standing for power) has longer routines and includes some cardio work as well making it a more complete workout. Some of the workouts with the P90X require chin-ups, which many people do not have set up in their home.
Consider cost first. The P90X system comes with 12 DVD, a nutrition plan, a fitness calendar, online support and a money back guarantee for $120.00 The 10-Minute Trainer contains 4 DVD workouts and the same add-ons for as dime under eighty bucks.10 Minute Trainer While P90X offers more, it also costs more. The idea behind the 10-Minute Trainer is that you will have to stack the different workouts (around 40 of them) to create a personalized workout program. The 10-minute trainer also entails that the consumer purchase resistance bands and has special offers on all sorts of add-on programs, which in the end make the prices between the two just about even. The bottom line is that the P90X has a little more diversity for you to choose from.
You may be wondering what consumers are saying about the two. Largely, satisfaction rates are high. Of course, with all workouts whether they work really depends on whether they are done consistently.10 Minute Trainer Most consumers have times to stack two of the 10-minute training videos together while the 30-90 minutes workouts on the P90X are a little more difficult to fit in. If you have the extra time to commit to exercising than the P90X is more complete. If you are strapped for time, than the 10-Minute trainer is right for you. It will at least get you started.
Some consumers have ordered both and there are usually special offers when ordering them in unison. These consumers felt that some of the muscular workouts were redundant and that purchasing both sets did not actually provide much value by doubling their workout potential.
One of the nice things about both of these programs is that they are supported by nutrition plans, calendars and other tools that make tracking progress easy. The other bonus, is that Tony Horton is an expert at offering fitness and fun together, making both videos well liked and enjoyed by the majority of consumers who purchased them.10 Minute Trainer
As far as which is the right choice for you, it depends on your time ability and fitness levels. The beginner should definitely choose 10-Minute trainer and work themselves into a routine slowly, while someone already in shape with a better-constructed workout schedule will get more out of P90X.


Brazil Butt Lift – Week 3 Results

Three weeks done already!  Only one week remaining!

Yesterday I was gone all day and didn’t get home until 11pm.  I didn’t do my workout in the morning because I had to wake up earlier than normal already, to leave on time.  But I knew that today was my rest day, so I thought that I could just switch the days to make yesterday my rest day, and do Saturday’s workout today.Brazil Butt Lift  In terms of my results, I’m sure switching the days would have been fine.  And I considered doing that.

But then I remembered how I wasn’t just doing the Brazil Butt Lift to get in shape, but also so that I could stick with something for a whole 4 weeks and not slack on it.  I have been doing so well so far, and I am proud (or shall I say surprisingly impressed) that I haven’t missed a day.Brazil Butt Lift  It really shows that working out is now one of my top priorities.  Since I left my job a bit ago, I’m fortunate to have the luxury of planning my day around things like a workout.  And its really been nice to do that.

Anyway, in the end I opted to do the workout at 11pm.  So I have stuck with my goal.  Its so easy for me to twist things around, like, “its not really cheating if I just switch the days because I’m still doing the work.”  But it is cheating, because its doing the work on my schedule, not on the Brazil Butt Lift schedule, and that’s not what I set out to do.  And now that I’ve proven to myself that I am capable of keeping a promise to myself, I can use that in any other challenge that comes my way.

I almost think I look worse than last week.  Hm.  The only thing I can think of is to cut out more carbs/grains from my diet.Brazil Butt Lift  And dairy.  Maybe I’ll try that more this week, since I only have one week of the program left and I had hoped to have some better results!  I’ll try and be more productive this week, too, since its usually when I’m bored that I eat the worst!


Zumba Exercise Programs for Fun and Fitness

For a truly fun and exhilarating home exercise program, why not give the zumba workout experience a try. More than just a routine fitness program, zumba workouts incorporate the best of Latin music dancing and rhythms such as salsa and rumba into a fitness program guaranteed to work off those extra pounds and shape your body. You can join an 'authentic' Zumba class in a gym to experience the feel of the festive ambiance with family and friends, or train on your own at home. Either way you will gain the healthy benefits this workout has to offer and enjoy every minute of it!
There is little advance preparation required for a zumba workout other than ensuring you have sufficient space to train and proper exercise clothing that allows you as much free movement as possible. Like most all workouts, there is an initial period of warm-ups to stretch your muscles and ligaments before the 'real action' begins. This warm-up time is very important to observe, even if you feel you are in the best of shape, so though you may be anxious to begin, it is advisable to follow each step on the DVD one at a time for the best results.
Home workouts are a fantastic way of getting and staying in shape and choosing a program like the zumba will make your time that much more enjoyable. To make sure you use your exercise time to the max, choose a time frame when you are least disturbed and have the energy to work out. An advantage of exercising at home is that you can choose the time and area with which you feel the most comfortable. In addition, in the privacy of your own home, you can sport the clothing and shoes you desire that will get you in the mood to dance to your heart's content, uninhibited by an outside audience. For home exercising, zumba workouts provide fun and fitness, a winning combination you cannot beat.


How to Burn Calories, Tone, and Improve Cardiovascular Fitness Without the Gym

House work
Yep, doing housework can be a workout in itself. You can add moves to your housework. When you are cleaning the house, put on loud music and move about. While you are sweeping the floor dance around and make long strokes with your broom. Start on the far side of the room and sweep in a line from one side of the room to the other and then go back and start again. Working your way back and forth. Do this in a fast motion, sing to the music and move about while you sweep. Move furniture and sweep under it, this can work your arms and legs as well. Just by sweeping a typical size room you can work up a sweat if you put effort into it.
Cleaning the Floor
Cleaning your floor can be a good workout as well. For a good upper body strengthening technique, get on your hands and knees to clean your floor. Bring a bucket of water and wet the floor in front of you. Then begin scrubbing and follow with a rinse if necessary. This is a good work out for all of your arm and shoulders.
Dusting and Polishing
As you dust and polish your furniture, move in a fast pace, moving from top to bottom this will work your legs and arms as you raise your body up and down. Instead of carrying all your supplies with you, leave all your cleaning supplies in another room, you will have to travel across the house and back to get each item that you need. This can make your housework more fun and it adds exercise to your day.
Doing the Dishes
While you are doing dishes, stand at the sink and do side leg lifts or straighten your leg while raising it behind you. This will work the buttocks and back of your legs. This is an easy way to gain leg strength and tone in your legs. When you are putting dishes away into the cupboards go up on your toes and flex your calf muscles. The weight of the dishes plus your body weight will shape and strengthen your calf muscles.
Vacuuming can work your hamstrings and glutes. When done right you can get a good workout on your thighs and hips. Lunge with the vacuum forward and move your body forward, then pull back and repeat. This is a great cardiovascular work out too. By the time you are done your home will be clean and you will feel energized from your exercise.
Working at the desk
If you like to sit at a desk to pay bills and do paperwork, you could try sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair. This will give you whole body strength and your balance will improve. Exercise balls are relatively inexpensive, between $15.00 and $25.00. You can implement the exercise ball into many of your routines. Try sitting on one while you watch television and do strengthening exercises on the commercials during your program.
These are just a few ideas for you to do while you are at home doing normal housework or even when you watch television. Once you start this program and apply these techniques you will be able to add new ones as you think of them. This will help you to live a longer, stronger, healthier life. Always remember to stretch before and after your routine. You may find ways to work your stretches into your housework routine. Just a few minutes everyday will give you results in just a few weeks. And who knows you might actually start to enjoy cleaning the house.


Six Pack Workout: How to Kick Your Own Butt Without a Trainer

One of the worst things about trying to do a six pack workout in the Spring for me is the intensity of allergy season. Where I currently live, it's pretty much an all year occurrence, however it is especially brutal at this time of year (April) with all of the pollen in the air. I tend to get rather lazy and procrastinate when it comes to working out, as the allergy medicine I take makes me very sleepy. This six pack workout drill can be done inside or out which if you suffer allergies can take away an excuse not to exercise! In addition if you have children or neighborhood kids, invite them to do this exercise too, it really gets you moving.

In fact, this is an awesome way to introduce and encourage healthy habits. They will probably (children) be tired after this exercise as I normally am and I am a fit personal trainer. That is where you can mention how the fun they just had along with eating healthy can help them be healthy for life if they keep it up!

Six Pack Workout School Yard Run

For this six pack workout, you will need a fair amount of space, a large yard (we use an old school's play area) or a gym will work fine. Prior to starting, mark off 20 foot intervals with chalk or something that signifies a "stopping" point in a straight line. To start this six pack workout, do 10 push-ups and then sprint to your first line. At the first line, drop and do 20 crunches, then stand up and sprint to the second line. At this line you will do 50 flutter kicks, keeping your legs straight and no more than six inches off of the ground. Stand up again and sprint to the third line. Get on the ground and do 20 bicycle crunches, then stand and run to your 'finish' line, where you will do this plank move: from a plank position drop one elbow to the ground, then the other; raise back up to a plank push up position one arm at a time- do ten, then stand. You should now be at the finish line of the run area, but you aren't done yet! Sprint back to the start line and repeat this set of exercises three more times.

3 Variations To Switch Things Up

1) Instead of sprinting, use the crab crawl
2) Do jumping jacks instead of running
3) Jog backwards to each line

Something else you should consider doing is adding equipment or "props" to your stations. A couple of examples of these could be to use a balance ball at the crunches station or you can add a set of weights to the flutter kicks or bicycle crunches

Six Pack Workout Competition

If you have several people (or a lot of people/kids) divide into groups-fastest group done "wins".

If you decide to do this outside, check your workout area for any debris that people could get hurt on prior to starting.

This six pack workout is fun and it also gives you a good cardio workout for fat burning! I use this personally to not only bond with my children and let them have fun with their friends, however to promote exercise and show them it can be fun!


Enjoy a Beautiful New You With This Advice

Beauty most certainly isn't judged objectively; what is considered beautiful will always vary from person to person. Having said that, I am sure you know that a lot can be done to improve a person's appearance. This article has a number of beauty tips that you will find easy to apply to your daily routine.

Prior to using false eyelashes, check for a possible allergic reaction. You can test the glue first by rubbing a bit on your arm to see whether there is any allergic reaction. Completely cover up the test area.

You can draw attention away from imperfections with a rose or pink toned lipstick. Are you aware that warm pink shades will compliment virtually all skin tones? If your lips look luscious and appealing, your minor flaws will be overlooked.

Start with your knowledge building if you are trying to improve your appearance. The proper knowledge is often the only difference between people who have an attractive and well-groomed appearance and people who lack this refined presentation. It becomes much easier when you learn the right ways to do things.

By consuming healthy foods, you can increase the health of hair, nails and skin. Beauty will come from the inside and work its way out! Your diet needs to be teeming with nutrients. Eat a large variety of protein, whole grains, iron, and zinc so that you will have delightful nails, hair, and skin.

When using lip liner and lipstick, make sure the colors match as closely as possible. Colors that are too light or too dark will show unsightly contrast rather than blending in, leaving you with unnatural lines.

Skin blemishes can pop up when we least expect and don't have all the tools near by to manage. A trick worth trying is to blot the blemishes with a small amount of toothpaste (not gel). Let the toothpaste sit on the pimple for ten minutes or so. This will dry out your skin and should reduce the redness and swelling of the blemish.

Your face needs to be moisturized. If your skin is oily, you should still be using a moisturizer. Use a lotion that has sun protection in it. The best product for you is often gotten only after a bit of trial-and-error because we all have skin peculiarities.

While some things about beauty never change, some are more subjective and are based on individual preferences. The helpful hints are now in your hands, so please take action and not sit on it!


Blue Sapphire - A Stone of Extremities

Blue Sapphire is not for everyone. It is a stone of extremities, which can act extremely favorable for some and extremely unfavorable for others. Therefore, one should wear it only after confirming its suitability. When it acts in favor, one goes through many positive changes in life. When it acts in against, one goes through lots of troubles. Primarily, one should ensure to get only an unblemished gemstone.

Astrology has defined the adverse impacts which an unblemished Blue Sapphire with a certain nature of flaw can have on its wearers. A flaw of the presence of white lines on its surface can make one poor and cause problems related to eyes. A tainted surface can result in bad luck and accidents. A skin with dual colors makes one suffer troubles, sorrows, and pains, in specifically from foes. While buying it, one should keep these aspects in consideration. Then, the other effective way with which one can test its suitability is by possessing it for a short period of time. By keeping it beneath the sleeping pillow for few days, one can derive a conclusion about the presence of absence or its suitability.

Influences Saturn

Blue Sapphire stone is associated with the astrological planet of Saturn. It is encompassed with divine powers with which it can intensify the benefic impacts when Saturn is positioned in a benefic position, and nullify the negative impacts when Saturn is positioned in weak or malefic position. Saturn is extremely dreadful with its malefic impacts. It is considered as the most malefic of all the planets. One who stands on the other side of line of Saturn faces too many and too intense troubles in life. Saturn can be pleased and can be soothed up with the help of this stone.

Confers a Reputable Status

Wearing Blue Sapphire according to the rules of astrology derives enormous benefits. It increases one's social status, makes one more regarded and respected, wards off all misfortunes, improves overall health, and confers prosperity, long life, stability, and causes of true happiness. It is one effective way with which one can regain the possession of wealth or any other precious materialistic thing which one lost anytime in the past.

Other Valuable Benefits

It is an effective healing tool to cure the impact of poison which one suffered out of a scorpion bite. The process as recommended for the same requires one to dip in this stone in some water and then apply that water on the portion where scorpion bite. It works as a powerful Talisman protecting its wearer from the impacts of all sorts of negative energies. It communicates warning to its wearers by changing its color as and when they are vulnerable to any danger.

Highly Recommended To

People belonging to Capricorn or Aquarius Zodiac Sign are destined to derive utmost out of this stone. Women are highly recommended to have this stone, as it helps in stimulating fertility. Those suffering from mental disorders, partial deafness, hair loss, epilepsy, or lack of virility can experience an improvement with the help of this stone. Wearing it close to heart brings peace.

The Rules of Wearing It

As already stated, first test its suitability and then only confirm to wear it permanently. To wear it, one should abide by certain astrology prescribed rules. It should be embedded either in iron, silver, gold, or Panch Dhatu. It should be of at least 5 grams. On any auspicious Saturday, pour it in a bowl full of water. On the very same day, during the time of dusk, bring it out of the bowl and wear it in the second finger of your right hand while chanting the associated Mantra of "Om Aim Hreem Shanecharaya Namah". Conclude the process by offering devoted prayers to Lord Saturn Dev. Pour the water present in bowl in the roots of any Peepal tree.