
How to Burn Calories, Tone, and Improve Cardiovascular Fitness Without the Gym

House work
Yep, doing housework can be a workout in itself. You can add moves to your housework. When you are cleaning the house, put on loud music and move about. While you are sweeping the floor dance around and make long strokes with your broom. Start on the far side of the room and sweep in a line from one side of the room to the other and then go back and start again. Working your way back and forth. Do this in a fast motion, sing to the music and move about while you sweep. Move furniture and sweep under it, this can work your arms and legs as well. Just by sweeping a typical size room you can work up a sweat if you put effort into it.
Cleaning the Floor
Cleaning your floor can be a good workout as well. For a good upper body strengthening technique, get on your hands and knees to clean your floor. Bring a bucket of water and wet the floor in front of you. Then begin scrubbing and follow with a rinse if necessary. This is a good work out for all of your arm and shoulders.
Dusting and Polishing
As you dust and polish your furniture, move in a fast pace, moving from top to bottom this will work your legs and arms as you raise your body up and down. Instead of carrying all your supplies with you, leave all your cleaning supplies in another room, you will have to travel across the house and back to get each item that you need. This can make your housework more fun and it adds exercise to your day.
Doing the Dishes
While you are doing dishes, stand at the sink and do side leg lifts or straighten your leg while raising it behind you. This will work the buttocks and back of your legs. This is an easy way to gain leg strength and tone in your legs. When you are putting dishes away into the cupboards go up on your toes and flex your calf muscles. The weight of the dishes plus your body weight will shape and strengthen your calf muscles.
Vacuuming can work your hamstrings and glutes. When done right you can get a good workout on your thighs and hips. Lunge with the vacuum forward and move your body forward, then pull back and repeat. This is a great cardiovascular work out too. By the time you are done your home will be clean and you will feel energized from your exercise.
Working at the desk
If you like to sit at a desk to pay bills and do paperwork, you could try sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair. This will give you whole body strength and your balance will improve. Exercise balls are relatively inexpensive, between $15.00 and $25.00. You can implement the exercise ball into many of your routines. Try sitting on one while you watch television and do strengthening exercises on the commercials during your program.
These are just a few ideas for you to do while you are at home doing normal housework or even when you watch television. Once you start this program and apply these techniques you will be able to add new ones as you think of them. This will help you to live a longer, stronger, healthier life. Always remember to stretch before and after your routine. You may find ways to work your stretches into your housework routine. Just a few minutes everyday will give you results in just a few weeks. And who knows you might actually start to enjoy cleaning the house.

