
Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises Helped Maintain Strength

Dumbbell shoulder exercises helped get me back to my old
self. While I was in high school, I played quarterback for the football team. I
was asked to throw the ball a lot, and it really made my throwing shoulder hurt
after a few weeks into the season. Towards the end of the season, every single
time I threw the ball, my shoulder would crack and pop. I got to the point
where it hurt to even lift any weights just because of my right shoulder. I
went and saw the high school’s athletic trainer and then an actual doctor and I
was told that I had impingement in my throwing shoulder. Impingement is
essentially tendonitis in your shoulder from overuse of it. It starts out with
just mild pain when you are using the shoulder, but it progresses into loss of
strength and pain even just from laying on it.
The doctor told me that I’d be able to play through the
basketball season with it, but that I would have to do a lot of rehab if I wanted
to be able to pitch in the spring for baseball. I wanted to be able to perform
as well as I could, so as soon as basketball was over I started rehabbing for
baseball. I got through my rehab at the expected time, but the athletic trainer
said that the only way I’d be able to not have symptoms of my impingement again
was if I continued to do my rehab exercises, but also to start some dumbbell
shoulder exercises. I was told that if I made my shoulder and the muscles
around my shoulder strong enough through things such as dumbbell shoulder
exercises, I wouldn’t experience these pains again and I would be able to keep
playing and keep pitching. To this day I still try and do dumbbell shoulder
exercises so that I never have to experience my impingement again.

