
Six Pack Workout: How to Kick Your Own Butt Without a Trainer

One of the worst things about trying to do a six pack workout in the Spring for me is the intensity of allergy season. Where I currently live, it's pretty much an all year occurrence, however it is especially brutal at this time of year (April) with all of the pollen in the air. I tend to get rather lazy and procrastinate when it comes to working out, as the allergy medicine I take makes me very sleepy. This six pack workout drill can be done inside or out which if you suffer allergies can take away an excuse not to exercise! In addition if you have children or neighborhood kids, invite them to do this exercise too, it really gets you moving.

In fact, this is an awesome way to introduce and encourage healthy habits. They will probably (children) be tired after this exercise as I normally am and I am a fit personal trainer. That is where you can mention how the fun they just had along with eating healthy can help them be healthy for life if they keep it up!

Six Pack Workout School Yard Run

For this six pack workout, you will need a fair amount of space, a large yard (we use an old school's play area) or a gym will work fine. Prior to starting, mark off 20 foot intervals with chalk or something that signifies a "stopping" point in a straight line. To start this six pack workout, do 10 push-ups and then sprint to your first line. At the first line, drop and do 20 crunches, then stand up and sprint to the second line. At this line you will do 50 flutter kicks, keeping your legs straight and no more than six inches off of the ground. Stand up again and sprint to the third line. Get on the ground and do 20 bicycle crunches, then stand and run to your 'finish' line, where you will do this plank move: from a plank position drop one elbow to the ground, then the other; raise back up to a plank push up position one arm at a time- do ten, then stand. You should now be at the finish line of the run area, but you aren't done yet! Sprint back to the start line and repeat this set of exercises three more times.

3 Variations To Switch Things Up

1) Instead of sprinting, use the crab crawl
2) Do jumping jacks instead of running
3) Jog backwards to each line

Something else you should consider doing is adding equipment or "props" to your stations. A couple of examples of these could be to use a balance ball at the crunches station or you can add a set of weights to the flutter kicks or bicycle crunches

Six Pack Workout Competition

If you have several people (or a lot of people/kids) divide into groups-fastest group done "wins".

If you decide to do this outside, check your workout area for any debris that people could get hurt on prior to starting.

This six pack workout is fun and it also gives you a good cardio workout for fat burning! I use this personally to not only bond with my children and let them have fun with their friends, however to promote exercise and show them it can be fun!

