
P90X Vs 10-Minute Trainer! Real Fitness in Just 10 Minutes Or All Hype? -10 Minute Trainer

The world is looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight and get in great shape and marketing campaigns have been launched in every facet of fitness to give consumers just that. Two of the most popular workout programs designed to get you fit and toned quickly are Tony Horton's P90X and 10-Minute Trainer. Tony Horton is often dubbed the 'fitness expert to the stars' and developed both programs as an efficient way for people to get in shape. Do they work and which one is best for you largely depend on your goals.
10-Minute trainer is just that. It is packed with powerful 10-minute exercise programs that work best when stacked together. You get a 10-minute workout that will completely focus on one specific body part and when done routinely, consumers give rave reviews. The P90X (P standing for power) has longer routines and includes some cardio work as well making it a more complete workout. Some of the workouts with the P90X require chin-ups, which many people do not have set up in their home.
Consider cost first. The P90X system comes with 12 DVD, a nutrition plan, a fitness calendar, online support and a money back guarantee for $120.00 The 10-Minute Trainer contains 4 DVD workouts and the same add-ons for as dime under eighty bucks.10 Minute Trainer While P90X offers more, it also costs more. The idea behind the 10-Minute Trainer is that you will have to stack the different workouts (around 40 of them) to create a personalized workout program. The 10-minute trainer also entails that the consumer purchase resistance bands and has special offers on all sorts of add-on programs, which in the end make the prices between the two just about even. The bottom line is that the P90X has a little more diversity for you to choose from.
You may be wondering what consumers are saying about the two. Largely, satisfaction rates are high. Of course, with all workouts whether they work really depends on whether they are done consistently.10 Minute Trainer Most consumers have times to stack two of the 10-minute training videos together while the 30-90 minutes workouts on the P90X are a little more difficult to fit in. If you have the extra time to commit to exercising than the P90X is more complete. If you are strapped for time, than the 10-Minute trainer is right for you. It will at least get you started.
Some consumers have ordered both and there are usually special offers when ordering them in unison. These consumers felt that some of the muscular workouts were redundant and that purchasing both sets did not actually provide much value by doubling their workout potential.
One of the nice things about both of these programs is that they are supported by nutrition plans, calendars and other tools that make tracking progress easy. The other bonus, is that Tony Horton is an expert at offering fitness and fun together, making both videos well liked and enjoyed by the majority of consumers who purchased them.10 Minute Trainer
As far as which is the right choice for you, it depends on your time ability and fitness levels. The beginner should definitely choose 10-Minute trainer and work themselves into a routine slowly, while someone already in shape with a better-constructed workout schedule will get more out of P90X.

