
Benefits of Stretching After Your Workout

Exercise is an enjoyable past time and widely encouraged but not many stress the importance of stretching after your workout.

Let me explain, your muscles are working when you exercise; contracting and flexing. Your body works hard, heart pumps faster and your need to gradually take the pace down a notch or two. The tautness or rigidity obtained by your muscles during a workout must be relaxed and gently exercised out of their rigidity after your session. The soothing exercise of stretching works out the muscles plus gradually slows down your heart rate by easing the pressure after your vigorous session and also prepares your body for your next workout.

This simple technique of stretching after a workout reduces the chances of a torn or damaged ligament in the not too distant future.

How much a person is able to stretch is relative to their age and their range that is why it is so important to do it regularly. Most sportsmen and trainers find that stretches done before as well as after a workout, is of great import. Why? Think of working non stop, with no break what so ever from a very demanding job which is either physically or mentally challenging. You will probably burnout literally and figuratively.

That is, on the whole, what not stretching after your workout or even before your workout will achieve. You will strain your muscles and they will not be able to function as they should.

The benefits of stretching are numerous. Stretching increases the length of muscles and tendons hence increasing your movement range. Being able to increase your range enables you to do more and add a wealth of new capabilities or abilities to your lifestyle. Stretching makes you more flexible which makes the chances of being injured less likely, although it does not stop injury altogether. When you stretch, an injury that could have been major is made to become minor through your increased litheness.

Muscles are forced to reduce traction, relieving tension thereby reducing muscles cramps and tenderness. Being lithe encourages you to take more chances opening a world of possibilities by raising your energy levels.

The benefits of stretching are something to consider as well as incorporate in your fitness regime. Stretching after your workout and even stretching before your workout should be done regularly. Always remember the saying, "Prevention is better than cure", so prevent the injury before it happens. Your muscles and your body will thank you.


Advanced Workout and Nutrition Program

The following article is meant for advanced body builders who have been regularly working out for the past one year. The plans and advices put forward in this article are just suggestions. Feel free to make changes and substitute new exercises. An organized set of advanced workout program along with advanced nutritional supplements, pretty much guarantees your success.

Advanced workout program

Before starting with your advance workout program, please bear in mind the following points.

Always warm up before you start training
Do the work outs slowly and work your way up.
Set your goals taking into consideration your abilities.
Increase the intensity, duration and reps whenever possible.
Start slow, don't overload yourself with weights.
Divide your workout program and schedule.
Include proper rest period for your muscles.

The advance workout program that follows is just a sample work selected randomly from a list of thousands. Workouts vary from person to person and from trainer to trainer.

Monday -chest

For the following exercises, do three sets of 10 to 12 reps. try to finish your workout routine within 60 to 70 min.
Exercises include -Dumbbell flys, dumbbell press, incline press, incline flys, hip push-ups.
Do 20 min of cardio, which can include jogging, treadmill or cycling.

Tuesday -lats

Finish your workout in 80 to 90 min and include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-Weight pull ups, dumbbell rows, narrow grip pull ups, bend over rows, alternating grip pull ups.

 Wednesday - legs

Finish your workout in 70 to 80 min and include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-Lunges, stiff leg dead lifts, hanging leg curls, weight calf raises, skateboard squats.

Thursday - shoulders

Complete your workout within 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-front raise, side race, alternating dumbbell press, shrugs, rotation both inner and outer.

Friday - arms

Complete your workout program in 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include- Hammer curls, reverse curls, dumbbell curls, chair dips, dumbbell press, preacher curls, and skull crushers.

Saturday and Sunday

Give your body the much-needed rest.
You can however do 20 min of cardio on these days.

For an advanced body builder, half of the work is done in the gym and the rest is through nutrition. During advance workout session you stretch and break your muscle fibers causing damage. For these muscle fibers to recover and grow bigger, diet rich in proteins is a must. Your diet should include 1 gram or more proteins per pound, and not more than 15 cal per pound per day. Here are some pointers that will help you with your diet.

Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, beans, and meat.
Avoid sugar, alcohol, fatty food, fast food, salty food, and starchy food.
Drink plenty of water.
Divide your meals and space them 4 hourly.
Supplement your diet with protein powder.
Remember to load your bloodstream with proteins, pre-and post-workout.
Protein preferred for Pre-and post-workout is whey.
Protein (casein) should be taken before sleep and after getting up in the morning.

The two keywords for success are hard work and proper diet. Once you start feeling comfortable with your workout program and your nutrition schedule, don't break the rhythm. Workout routinely and success will be yours.


A Flat Belly Workout For A More Fit Body

Losing belly fat is a very important priority. This is because it could cause unwanted health problems if it is not remedied. It is actually easier than most people think if it is properly done.

 The best flat belly workout regimen for losing stomach fat usually includes a program of different exercises and a good diet. Indeed the best exercises are those performed on different parts of the body instead of just concentrating on the abdominals alone.

 One of the most effective stomach exercises is the bicycle exercise. This is best done on a level surface while using a mat. The idea of using a mat is to prevent excessive strain on the body while exercising.

 Some people believe that by concentrating on just doing sit-ups that they would lose the fat around their belly. That is not true at all! They may burn up some of the fat but they do not actually get rid of enough calories. Hence in addition to doing sit-ups it is a good idea to combine these with weightlifting exercises. These weight lifting exercises build up muscles and cause the body to burn more fat in the process.

 Another area that is neglected by a lot of people is a proper eating plan. In today's high pressure world, some people take desperate measures to try and stay slim. This pressure is fuelled by the fashion world where a majority of the clothes displayed in fashion shows are worn by ultra thin models. As a result an increasing number of young girls and young women are beginning to suffer from bulimia.

 Popular celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Kate Perry in addition to their food diet are also involved with a variety of flat belly workout exercises including body pump which are designed to help them lose stomach fat.

 Not eating correctly actually causes the human body to store fat. A well balanced eating plan is very important. Have lots of fruits and vegetables during the day and try not to eat too much in a single meal. Drink lots of pure water and use less alcohol.

 In addition to working out in the gym it is also a good idea to engage in sports like swimming, running, and cycling. Indeed Haile Gebrselassie, the famous Ethiopian long distance runner, said that if everyone ran 30 minutes every day they would stay fit and healthy.

 It is also very important to work on mindset. Without the correct mental attitude it is almost impossible to keep up the daily regimen of a flat belly workout. 


All About Bowflex House Fitness

The item line of Bowflex includes a wide range of equipment for strength training also as cardio training. The first of several residence fitness goods was launched by the business in 1986 and it has grown by leaps and bounds considering that then. The firm held a patent for the "Power Rod" style that helped it design equipment that occupied less space when compared with competing items. It has churned out a plethora of goods to facilitate diverse workout regimes and to address varying budgets.

 Bowflex Blaze

 To generate the resistance required for strength training, the Bowflex Blaze Residence Gym uses the Power rod technologies as an alternative to employing the conventional iron weights. With the regular equipment, it's achievable to create resistances ranging from 5 pounds to 210 pounds. For the far more hardcore fitness enthusiasts, the Blaze can be upgraded to generate resistances up to 410 pounds. The power rods come with a lifetime guarantee. The machine boasts of a bench having a sliding rail that aids in performing a comprehensive cardio workout. The device also comes equipped with a leg curl extension which is ideal for a host of leg exercises. For an upper body workout, the Blaze is supplied with a lat tower. With all these functions, the machine seems reasonable priced at 1000 US Dollars.

 Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells

 The item offers an innovative option to conserve space whilst achieving a comprehensive strength training workout. A dial system makes it probable to combine 15 diverse weight possibilities into 1 set of weights. The weight of each dumbbell can range from 5 pounds to 52.five pounds having a gradient of 2.5 pounds. The price of a pair of dumbbells, pegged at 375 US Dollars may possibly appear prohibitive at 1st. Even so, a five-year guarantee as well as a clutter-free workout area make these incredibly attractive in the lengthy run.

 Bowflex Perfect Pushup

 The versatile nature of pushups makes them extremely efficient in achieving muscle gains. They could be performed almost anywhere and involve exercising the chest, triceps and back among other muscles. The Perfect Pushup increases the comfort level while completing the pushups. As an alternative to focusing on his palms being placed on the bare floor, the trainee can focus on the different variations of the workout. The equipment has received rave reviews so far, stressing on its smooth functioning. The devices aren't extremely pricey and could be acquired for much less than 40 US Dollars. 


Why Personal Fitness Trainers Are More In Demand

Most of us don like the idea of exercising, but we do know that it important if we want to look and feel good for years to come. Sometimes that motivation to head to the gym just isn there. That one of the reasons why more people should consider personal training and its multitude of benefits.

 Physical Benefits

 When you work with a personal fitness trainer, youe going to find some important physical benefits. For one, the trainer is going to evaluate your fitness levels and determine a program that is going to help you reach your health goals and that will take into consideration your present state of fitness. Because of the professional fitness training, youe going to be much less likely to suffer some type of injury while in the middle of training. Youl also see reduced body fat, reduced body weight, and improved muscle tone much faster than you would without these services.

 Psychological Benefits

 During any exercise program, youl have times when you don want to go to the gym or get on the equipment. You won want to run that extra lap or head to the pool. You might even start looking in the mirror and wondering why youe bothering when youe not seeing results. This decrease in motivation and confidence is normal, but they often sidetrack even the most dedicated. With the help of a certified fitness trainer / fitness instructor, however, that not going to happen. He or she can walk you through these difficult periods and help you recover from the rough patches of training to go on and achieve your goals.

 Cost Benefits

 Although many people assume hiring personal fitness instructor is expensive, you can actually save money by choosing this route. Professional trainers have all of the equipment you need so you don need to spend thousands on exercise pieces or gym memberships ever again. Instead, the trainers come to the location of your choice with all of the materials and tools youe going to need to get physically fit and to stay that way well into the future. 


How Personal Fitness Trainer Can Help

The need for a personal fitness trainer has increased with the realization that each one of us has a different body structure and composition. If you are not happy following a fitness program that had been instituted keeping no one specific in mind, you need a personal fitness coach.

 Gone are the days when only movie stars could afford to hire professional fitness trainers. In this age, you are likely to be assigned with a fitness instructor when you enroll yourself in a truly professional gym. A personal fitness trainer is responsible for devising a fitness program that is suited for your body only. Each workout routine is customized and made keeping the specific needs of the client in mind.

 The benefits of a professional fitness trainer are numerous. A fitness coach will pinpoint each part of your body that has to go through strength training. The fitness coach will help you distinguish the parts of the body that needs to be toned up through personal training sessions.

 A physical fitness trainer will help you in choosing the right instruments you needs and the appropriate way of using them. Through personal fitness training sessions, you will be taught the correct postures.

 A certified personal fitness trainer has complete knowledge about diet, anatomy, nutrition, and physiology. The personal fitness trainer will put down the apt diet chart for you and help you realize that the dream figure can be achieved only if you combine a balanced diet and an effective fitness program.

 Personal fitness training guided by a fitness coach is needed to understand which weight loss program is best suited for you. A personal fitness trainer will also motivate you and keep you passionate about the workouts through a combination of various exercises. 


Fitness Trainer Courses - Good, Better & Best

The mind thrives on the body. If the body is ailing, the mind won work to its maximum potential either. Diseases, aches and old age can turn one life into a living nightmare. Thus it is important to remain fit, and for that we need fitness trainers. Trainers are professional uides?who have undertaken fitness trainer courses which teach them the techniques for developing and maintaining a Fit body.

 In fact, today fitness training has become a very lucrative career option. People have started realizing the dangers of an unfit body. The spreading of so many diseases and ailments has moved them into action and an increasing number of people are now hiring the services of professionals who have the experience and certification from good Fitness Academies which provide fitness trainer courses. A fitness trainer can work at multiple locations and with multiple clients, since most facilities work in shifts. They can look for employment in gyms, health centres, clubs and even with corporate houses. It is a fascinating field where one gets to work with interesting people from all walks of life.

 A word of warning while looking for Certification courses. In case you find yourself pressed for time & cannot make it in person to an institute, do not fall for the temptation of doing an Online Certification. Certain fields such as that of a Fitness Trainer cannot & should not have Online Certifications as Practical training is an integral & indispensable part of the education of a fitness trainer. This is totally skipped by such courses making the fitness professional who has certified himself online to be extremely unreliable in the Form & Technique department. Teaching the right form & technique of exercises is probably the most important part of the job profile of a Personal trainer and thus no certification course should ever avoid that. After all better performance & injury prevention are based solely on doing the exercises with the right form & technique.

 Fitness trainers get to learn basic First Aid & CPR, Workouts for Special Populations & Exercise-Sports Nutrition through supplementary courses at reputed Fitness Academies apart from the fundamental Personal Trainer Course. Equipment appreciation is also part of the course.

 There are a few fitness trainer courses which work on correspondence basis. Subjects that do not involve practical training for Exercise form & Technique can be done through correspondence. For instance the Exercise & Sports Nutrition Course or the course on Personal Trainer for Special Populations. These courses must be done after first completing the Personal Trainer Course in person. The Massage Therapy Course again is an example of a course that SHOULD NOT be done through Correspondence or Online as the strokes can only be learnt properly throough practical training. Correspondence even in those courses which can be done through distance learning should only be an option for people who live far away from the institute maybe in another city, state or country OR for people who cannot leave their jobs & spare time to do a course. With regards to working people many reputed aacademies have started weekend courses or very early morning batch timings.

 These correspondence courses are held through post, emails and online seminars. You will get all relevant course material sent to you through these channels. At the end of the course, there will be examinations in selected centres, after which you will receive the certification. But be sure to do correspondence courses in subjects that do not require Practical training.

 It is one thing to read something in books or online and quite another to experience it first-hand. Interacting directly with the lecturers & Master Trainers will give you an infinitely better learning experience & a better hold over the subject.


A fitness trainer helps you get through your fitness program

Fitness is one fad that never goes out of fashion, only the standards keep on changing. Usually the focus of all fitness freaks is either on diet or exercise. Both the elements play crucial role in keeping your body in shape but there is one more factor that has great influence i.e. a fitness trainer. Without him, it may not be possible for you to shed weight rapidly and effectively. He keeps knowledge of everything from your eating habits to physical conditions. Thus a fitness coach is able to train you for staying healthy and agile.

I have a friend in Austin, who works as a fitness trainer. He believes that most of the fitness enthusiasts who come to him, lack basic knowledge of maintain their body weight. There are very few who posses slight idea of how a particular diet plan affects their body. This is how many people adopt unplanned measures to stay fit and repent later. A fitness trainer is required to minimize those mistakes by planning appropriately. People get excited about getting slim after reading books and buying fat controlling devices that boast of making you thinner in a week. Once you are able to learn this, you may never face any disappointment in achieving your goal. All this is quite far from reality and nothing can be gained overnight, whether it is money or fitness.

It is a gradual and long process that begins from body inspection. A fitness trainer in Austin would look over your body first and then suggest you for any kind of exercise or food. Not all the physical work outs are meant to be done by everybody. It depends on the body weight, flexibility and bearing capacity, whether a physical action would suit or not. Also the physical conditions like ailments matter a lot in deciding a fitness program. Fitness is the raging trend in the city of Austin. With emergence of more fitness centers, people are becoming aware day by day. Most of the people have realized the significance of having a professional to train them in gym.

The impact can be truly estimated with the fact that more than fifty percent of people prefer to have a personal fitness trainer in Austin. They bank heavily on their coach to shed excessive weight. It is observed that people, who work out under the supervision of a certified fitness coach, develop a fit and active body sooner than those who do it themselves. Fitness trainers from Austin are popular outside too for their training sessions. They follow an organized and purposeful approach to make people lose weight without any ill effects. You need not take the pains of your bulging fat after hiring a personal trainer for yourself. All the pains are taken by him and you only need to follow his directions. They know the safest ways of both, body building and weight losing. You only need to truly state the facts related to your health and physique, for making sure that nothing goes wrong.


Selecting And Buying Fantastic House Exercise Bicycle

Because exercise commerce have gotten better within last few years giving all people many different types plus models of training equipment and exercise bikes, a growing number of individuals are exercising currently. That's really great and encouraging, nonetheless there is one small obstacle. Trouble approaches once you search for fitness equipment for yourself. What's most excellent for yourself generally depends upon your own condition level and also achievements that you wish to gain. Anyhow, I will attempt to help individuals to select perfect household equipment inside the following post.

 In the beginning I shall include couple of significant things just before deciding on exercise equipment for anyone who look ahead to increase their heath, cardio and to get in shape. Those factors are starting fitness level, available budget and available space at your home or room. Of course, jumping during the day over huge fitness equipment which is in your room will help you burn few more calories but it will be somewhat stupid.

 There are so many types of home exercise equipment nowadays, including all kinds of free weights, ab machines, ski machines and many bike types. Make sure to research and understand what you need before purchasing to avoid making mistake. People who are in this area of business recommend to everybody to first try desired peace of exercise equipment and then make a purchase, when they are sure that they are going to feel relaxed while working out.

 Earlier than making purchase associated with an workout bike or perhaps almost every other peace of home practice equipment you have to determine what your ultimate goal is and what you desire to accomplish. Do you want to drop extra pounds or even get in shape? Or perhaps you want healthy cardio workout? Whatever you truly have on your mind most significant thing would be to persist and never give up! I think that is best to start with exercise bike because of many reasons.

 Why start with home exercise bike? First reason may be its price as home bike is much cheaper than other exercise equipment. Other reason may be its durability and dimension since you may lay it anywhere you want the times you are not working out. It truly is best for everybody, newbies as well as for those who are by now definitely active since you will improve your cardio, reduce weight and tone up your muscle mass. Anyhow, because of the people who start workout every single day eventually stop working basically because they cannot persist in accomplishing their particular goals; there can be no much damage because you have not really spent a lot of cash.

 In case you are in small condo and you have limited area in your room or perhaps house, it truly is much better to order house bike than ordering massive exercise equipment such as weight set or home gymnasium. In case that you need to push your desk or even a chair whenever you want to work out, there is huge probability that you will not take action. In this manner you will stop working out on a daily or frequent basis. Trust me; my best friend is not working out just because he needs to move his elliptical bike for 2 feats.

 I really hope that you will consider your choices and situation, think about it,evaluate and try different peaces of home exercise equipment. Decide for yourself what the best is and go for it! Persist in what are you doing because healthier whole body you have and better you look, you may be more satisfied with yourself plus your life. 


Four Easy Exercise Tips For A Working Mom

Fitting regular exercise in and around the daily duties of a busy mom lifestyle can be hard. The stresses of everyday work combined with raising a family can distract you from following a weight loss plan.

 With that said, this is no excuse to ignore exercise completely. With twenty-four hours in each day, we all usually fit in the daily activities we plan to, so why do we not fit in time for exercise?

 We don't forget to brush our teeth or wash ourselves each day. Why is this so? They are apart of your planned daily routine. We all know tooth decay can be a problem if you don't clean your teeth. The same goes for not washing your body, you can end up with skin diseases. But have you thought of the fact that if you ignore exercise, you can become overweight?

 Saying that you don't have much time to exercise is an excuse to get out of exercising in most cases. The real reason is usually either not having the knowledge on how to get started, or being afraid. Despite the excuse, you can find the information you need to help add daily exercise to your routine. Add these tips to a 7 day diet plan for the best results.

 1. Workout With Someone Else

 If you workout by yourself, you will know that it is not always enjoyable. But working out with a friend makes it much easier to enjoy your time. It will also help to keep you motivated when you see your friend getting healthier with you. It's worth asking another working mom if you know one who wants to fit more exercise into her day. Don't forget to ask the question, why is stretching important?

 2. Use An iPod

 Have an iPod handy anytime you frequent a gym. This will help keep the boredom at bay and make the time go faster.

 3. Do What You Enjoy

 Not everyone will enjoy doing certain exercises and if you choose to include these in your exercise routine, the chances are that you will quickly become bored. Take note of exercises you can use to make your routines easier.

 4. Don't Over Do It

 If you have not done a workout for awhile, you are most likely going to avoid hitting the gym for your first routine. Ignore those who tell you that in order to lose weight, you need to workout hard once a day. But start by taking it easy with maybe a routine of two to three days per week. When you are accustomed to this amount of exercise, try scaling up the level of intensity.


Exercise Muscle Soreness

Any type of resistance training when the muscles are inflamed should not be done. Resistance can cause irreversible damage to the inflames muscles. The use of resisted dynamic exercise will irritate the joint and cause more inflammation. The best therapy for you to do is rest and ice the area down for a few days.

You can also take an anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce the pain and inflammation to the sore muscles. Overtraining Muscle Soreness  Treatment of this muscle soreness at the start of exercise program after a short or long term period of rest. It is a common belief that the onset of this can be reduced by limiting the intensity of the workout. You should also do a low intensity pre-warm up and some mild stretching.

You can also try eccentric exercise before starting a hard workout. It has been shown the taking vitamin C and E every day will also reduce the chances of muscle soreness. Proper work outs should start wilh some mild stretching and jogging in place to get your body warmed up and ready to compete. If you have had an muscle injury you should start intensity and volume very slowly until you can progress to longer time frames in your routines.


Exercise and Your New Year's Resolutions

New Year Eve may be a few weeks away, but if you expect 2012 to be the year you get in shape and stay in shape, the time to take action is now. Here are a few tips that can help you lay the groundwork for a successful plan and a healthy year.

 Above all else, prepare to be patient and disciplined. You will need to gather your gear and begin your workout during every scheduled session, without fail, so make sure youe ready to shake off minor setbacks and frustrations and stick to the plan. Getting in shape can be a rough road, but people do it every day. Just know that youl need to stay level-headed and determined, probably for months or more, before you start seeing measurable results.

 Set clear, realistic goals before you form a plan. Don expect to lose fifty pounds by February. If you aren sure what a realistic goal is for someone at your starting point, there are plenty of resources you can turn to, including your doctor, a trainer at your local gym, or even the internet. You should definitely consult a doctor if youe never worked out before or if you have any existing health problems that might affect your plans.

 Develop a workout routine that pushes your limits without becoming painful. You should feel great at the end of every workout session. But you should also feel tired, your breathing rate should be elevated, and you should be sweating. If your routine is genuinely unpleasant, you run the risk of demotivating yourself. If it too easy, youl see a frustrating lack of results.

 Make sure you have the right gear. Don wait till January 1st to figure out what you need to complete your routine. Start now by investing in the right shoes and comfortable clothing that breathes and wicks away moisture. Youl also need hand protection, like a good pair of Gripad weight lifting gloves for women, so you can add resistance training to your cardio routine without hurting your hands.

 Get extra grip for heavy lifting with GRIPAD fitness gloves, ideal weight lifting accessories for men/women. Best weight gloves for workout, fitness, exercise.


Can Exercise Help Anxiety

The answer to that question is YES. One way that you can help yourself to prevent and treat panic and anxiety attacks is by exercise. Exercise raises your endorphins, giving you a natural high.
 There are several different types of exercises that you can do to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. All types of exercise can help, but should be done properly and so that they promote relaxation.
 Doctors believe that one of the reasons why so many people are stressed out all the time is that they have no way to relieve their stress.
 Exercise is one way that you can treat your anxiety. It can relieve tension and stress, boost your energy level as well as relax you. If you have been suffering from anxiety, take a look at your day to day activities - have you been exercising?
 If you are like most people, chances are that you are not exercising at all. At best, you might be doing some form of exercise once or twice a week. This will not help you get rid of your anxiety. In order to use exercise to control your anxiety, you need to exercise on a daily basis.
 Try to incorporate stretching exercises, cardiovascular exercises and pilates into your daily routine. You will find that it can help you. In this article we will focus on stretching because it simple, easy and will help you to relax which greatly reduces anxiety.
 Before you start any exercise program, you will want to limber up.
 Stretching before and after exercise is a good way to get your muscles ready for the exercise and calm them down after you are done. If you have ever attended exercise classes, you know that stretching is a big part of the beginning and the end of the classes.
 Start by doing some simple stretches. Sit on the floor with your legs extended and try to touch your toes. Hold the position as much as you can for a few seconds and release - do not worry if you cannot touch your toes - you will be able to do so in time. Then spread your legs apart and stretch to each foot.
 Stretch your arms over your head with your legs crossed and hold the position. Put your arms behind your back and at the sides and bend forward, releasing tension in your back.
 The first time that you stretch out, you might feel somewhat stiff. Encourage yourself to do this so that you can feel more limber when you are exercising and less stiff after the exercising is done. Do not rush right into exercising, especially a heavy cardiovascular routine, without limbering up and stretching. You might end up pulling a muscle which will ground your new exercise to a routine to a halt for a few days. Always loosen up.
 In addition to loosing up before exercising, you should also make it a practice to loosen up before you begin the day. When you get out of bed each morning, reach to the sky and stretch. You will feel better about starting the day. 


Are There Any Ways You Can Make Exercise Bike Workouts More Exciting

If you have ever been on an exercise bike, you will know how excruciatingly boring it is. There is absolutely nothing to do except pedal away for 20 or 30 minutes, or however long your workout session lasts. So is there anything you can do to alleviate this mind-numbing boredom?

 Well if you are using an exercise bike at your local gym, you will often find that it is not always that boring. They may have a TV screen on the wall or music playing in the background if you're lucky. However the gym I used to use didn't play any music and had a small TV in the corner with the sound turned low so you couldn't hear it.

 So if you are a regular gym member, the only thing you can do is to bring your own music and listen to it through earphones. You could also listen to the radio this way, or bring a book or magazine to read, although I always find it quite hard to read and pedal at the same time because I usually end up pedalling slightly slower as a result.

 If you are using an exercise bike at home, it is slightly easier to make your workouts more exciting. You obviously have easy access to all of the books in your house, and you can also watch television and listen to music at the same time. This will alleviate the boredom and make the time pass a little faster.

 Another thing you can do is to set yourself mini-targets throughout your workout. For example you can set yourself time limits that you want to be under after mile 1, mile 2, etc or kilometre 1, kilometre 2, etc.

 This is something I do a lot when I use my own exercise bike at home. I not only have a time that I have to beat at the end of the workout, but I also have times that I have to be under after each kilometre. This keeps me focused, ensures that I don't drop my pace in the middle of the workout, and ensures that I maintain a good pace towards the end of the workout (when I start to increase the tension). Plus of course it makes the whole thing a lot less boring.

 Overall I quite enjoy my exercise bike session nowadays because I not only have targets that I have to beat, but I always have music playing loudly in the background as well. The music seems to lift my endorphin levels even further, and as a result I always end up feeling really great at the end of the workout, particularly when I have clocked a decent time and beat all my targets. 


Exposing the Truth About the 10 Minute Trainer Program!

If you happen to be one the millions of men and women who are absolutely focused on getting a lean and very muscular body without having to also put on any body fat then the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer could most definitely be what you're looking for.
When you are able to understand the true concept behind building muscle mass and working out you'll realize that it really isn't hard to get the results you want. 10 Minute Trainer It most definitely goes without saying that for you to build a lean and muscular body you absolutely have to stick to a healthy diet.
When you are on the Internet searching for a good and healthy diet to follow you most definitely are going to come across many different and confusing concepts, and the unfortunate thing about it is that a lot of these concepts don't go over what meals specifically you should be eating to help yourself achieve weight loss.
When you're searching for information online to learn how to build muscle the same situation happens.10 Minute Trainer The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer program uses both healthy nutritional diet plans as well as full body weight training workouts to help a person build muscle.
This means that a lot of your workout training is going to have to be supported by the meals you eat and how nutritious they are, and also how often you are able to supply your body with the nutrients that it needs on a daily basis.
A big part of the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer program is based on teaching men and women what specific foods they need to eat that are going to help them burn fat while at the same time making sure they have the strength they need to also do the right exercises to help themselves build muscle.
This program makes sure that you are getting the nutrients you need so that your body stays in a state where it is constantly stressing your muscle groups. There are a ton of good weight training workout regimens that are specific to people with different body types, and the exercise training program lasts for about 6 to 9 weeks depending on the person's body type.
There is a bonus inside this program that guarantee to help users gain 10 to 20 pounds of muscle in only a week which is a huge incentive, and it is mainly for people who need the program because they are trying to meet a deadline like a competition.
With the combination of healthy diet plans, customizable workout plans and also bonuses, the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer continues to deliver for people who are ready to start trying to build muscle.10 Minute Trainer


Alternating 10 Minute Trainer and Sleep Schedules For Faster Recovery

Every single one of us budgets our resources on a daily basis, depending upon what we will need for that day. If you're going to be out in the sun, you pack a few extra bottled waters.10 Minute Trainer If you'll be driving all over the city, then you are sure to put some extra gas in your car. We plan ahead on so many of the mundane details of our everyday lives that we often don't even bother keeping track of such things. We've been doing it for so long that it just becomes automatic.
Our bodies work just like our cars in that there are times when we need more fuel. If we're running a marathon, then we're going to need more sugar for energy and water to prevent dehydration from all that sweating, right? Now, let's apply this practice to lifting weights.
Your body, in an untrained state, usually needs 7 to 7.5 hours of sleep each night in order to repair itself from the rigors of your daily workload, right? If you conduct a brutal, intense, 90-minute long leg workout based upon heavy squats and high repetition leg presses, then it stands to reason that you're probably going to need MORE than 7.5 hours of sleep to recover. 10 Minute Trainer On nights like these, in the 2 days following tough workouts, you should consider forcing yourself to get 8 to 8.5 hours of bed rest as a habit.
Now let's address the nutritional angle of recovery based upon demand. When you train using heavy compound movement and lots of sets, you are tearing a great number of muscle fibers which will then repair and heal larger and stronger. Your body uses amino acids from the foods you eat to facilitate this recovery and growth. Amino acids arrive from foods right in protein. Is this starting to make sense? Adding ten grams of protein to every meal on and immediately following the day of tough workouts is a good idea for boosting faster and more reliable recovery from tough workouts.
You can apply this to supplementation as well. Your body will make better use of creatine, Nitrox-ATP, and other useful supplements when the training creates the demand. Supplements which are designed for general and overall health purposes, such as fish oil and multi-vitamins, should be excluded, of course.
Bottom line - The harder you train, the more rest, protein and supplements your body will be able to use. Make a habit of it!10 Minute Trainer


5 Reasons To Get Started With 10 Minute Trainer

Bodybuilding in the strictest sense is body modification through hypertrophy (muscle growth). Therefore, anyone in the gym to 'get big' and 'gain muscle' is in fact a bodybuilder. It does not have to be for competitive purposes i.e. posing on stage to win contests but it can be for purely aesthetic reasons or to improve physical performance. 10 Minute Trainer So as you read the article, I will assume that you are interested in bodybuilding/changing your physique. If not, you must be really bored! Ha! I will aim to outline the top 5 benefits of bodybuilding and give you reasons why you might want to go into a gym near you and pump some iron!
1. Aesthetic value - Let's face it, muscles look good. I do not care what anybody says. If you are male, you will have heard women saying something along these lines; "muscles are disgusting" or "I like men with a toned physique" (ugh, that word again 'toned'... whatever that means). Let me begin by saying it's all an error in communication. When women talk of 'muscles', they really mean professional bodybuilders. The juiced up monsters who compete every year. That's EXTREME bodybuilding. What I'm talking about is packing muscle on your frame so you look strong, healthy and most of all, damn good! Besides, natural bodybuilding can never get you to the point where you are so big you can't fit through the door. That's why steroids were invented.10 Minute Trainer
2. Confidence - A lot of people have very little self-confidence. While I'll be very honest and repeat the cliché "confidence is purely internal", the truth is, you get true internal confidence from external reinforcements. Therefore if your body looks good and you get attention and compliments, you begin to feel good about yourself and over time you get more confident. While I can't guarantee that you will reach a James bond level, I CAN bet my two cents on the fact that you will be MORE confident with a strong-looking physique than without one.
3. Strength - Shifting all that weight forces your body to adapt by building bigger muscles. Bigger muscles can do more work. That means you are stronger. Strength levels will literally shoot through the roof when you lift weights in the correct way while you are in the gym!
4. Health - natural bodybuilding necessitates the consumption of good food, consumption of health promoting supplements and the adoption of rest. These are good habits.
Remember, good health is a by product of good healthy habits. This is one of the great benefits of bodybuilding.
5. Discipline - In my opinion this is one of the most far reaching benefits of bodybuilding. It has implications in other areas of your life. The discipline required to constantly hit the gym come rain come shine is a great discipline indeed. They say successful people just tend to do more things they don't particularly enjoy. however, those things are necessary to creating the results they desire. Once you begin bodybuilding, you will have a lot more discipline and you will find yourself succeeding in other areas of your life.10 Minute Trainer


Best Nutrition for Building Muscle - 6 Tips for a Muscle Gain Diet

If you want to increase muscle mass, it's very important to eat the kind of food that gives you the best nutrition for building muscle. This is just about as important as going to the gym regularly. Your hard training will get you less results, if you are not getting the proper nutrition for muscle gaining. If you are skinny and have a hard time gaining weight, it is especially important for you to keep track of the nutrition you are getting from your meals.
Here you have my six tips for muscle gaining nutrition:
1. You should have a meal every 2,5-3 hours.
Having a meal every 3 hours is beneficial for those who want to add muscle, those who are trying to lose fat and gain muscle, as well as those just wanting to gain muscle.Skipping meals to lose fat is not a good idea, because when you do your body could start to store fat as a defense mechanism.Having more frequent meals supports fat loss, because it accelerates the body's metabolism. For those of you who can´t gain weight easily,it´s very important to have a meal every 3 hours or so, because if you don't, your body doesn´t have a constant energy source, and it could start eating up the muscle tissue for the energy it needs.And when that happens the muscles aren't growing.
2. Your muscles need protein to grow.
Meat, eggs, cheese, kinoa, beans, tuna, salmon, cod and peas are examples of protein-rich foods.Your preferred protein intake per day is around: 1,5 g per pound of bodyweight (3,3 grams per kilogram).Every meal should include protein, 40-60 g. Protein is an important growing material for the muscles, and it speeds muscle recovery.If you would like to use powdered protein supplement, it should not be more than 40 percent of your daily protein consumption. This is to make sure that you are getting enough minerals, vitamins and digestive enzimes from your diet.
3. Carbohydrates are an important part of your muscle building diet.
Carbs can be put in three categories, simple (sugars), complex (whole grain breads, brown rice), and fibrous (vegetables).You should concentrate on complex carbs when you are working out hard and building muscle, they release a slower and longer lasting energy. Foods that contain high complex carbs are amongst others: whole grains, cornmeal, bran, pasta and brown rice.You should eat most of your carbs in the morning and post-workout.Having a good meal post-workout is crucial for muscle building and muscle recovery. The amount of carbs you eat every day should be around 5,5 g per kilo of bodyweight (2,5 g per pound).
4. For muscle recovery, veggies are very important.
Every meal should contain 1-2 cups of vegetables and fruit.You get anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies and they speed muscle recovery and heal damaged muscle cells. High levels of acid loads to the blood, which are created by grains and proteins, need to be balanced out with alkaline rich veggies and fruits. To much acid in the blood can result in decreasing of muscle mass and bone strength.
5. Fat is important as well.
Depending on if you want to lose bodyfat or not, fat should be 10-30% of your meal. For those who don't gain weight easily, 30 percent fat is the right amount, for those who would like to lose some bodyfat, ten percent is fine and for the rest, twenty percent is good. Consuming fat is necessary for the body, one of many of its benefits is its contribution to energy, and diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream. The following are a few kinds of foods that contain "good fat" (essential fatty acids): olive oil, walnuts, seafood and pumpkin seeds.
6. Write down what you eat and when.
In order to keep track of the food you are eating, and whether it is useful to your muscle building efforts, keep a log of what and when you eat. Collect information about every meal, and its nutritional value, the amount of fat, carbs and protein you are eating. Even if this doesn't sound very fun, it gets into a habit very fast, and has many benefits.You could have your phone remind you when it's time to eat if you tend to forget meals.
By following these simple tips, your diet should be optimized for muscle gain.
I hope you found this article helpful and that it will help you in your muscle building efforts.


Building Muscle Tips: Preventing Muscle Fatigue

Anyone who has performed a vigorous and strenuous workout for building muscles is sure to have experienced muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is characterized by complete exhaustion, with the muscles and limb feeling weak, limp and utterly drained of energy. Sadly, however, muscle fatigue has detrimental effects especially if your goal is to build bulkier, stronger muscles. For one, your muscles recover more slowly after your workout. It can also prevent you from performing a full workout.
Take special note of these tips on how to prevent muscle fatigue so that you can continue to enjoy doing a complete workout.
First of all, it is recommended by a medical study commissioned by Bloomsburg University that you take creatine supplements six weeks prior to starting a muscle building workout. The study showed that taking a low dose of creatine (2.3 grams) per day can give you greater resistance to muscle fatigue whenever you perform high-intensity exercises. Creatine has the added benefit of increasing both muscle strength and mass.
Secondly, contrary to popular belief, you need to consume more carbohydrates prior to working out. Since your muscles utilize glycogen for energy, your workouts will cause you to deplete this substance much faster. It is recommended that you increase your carbs constitute 55 percent of your total caloric intake seven days prior to exercising. Increase this value to 70 percent three days before starting your workout.
Thirdly, you have heard advice that you should eat more proteins. The best proteins to eat in your balanced diet are complex proteins, such as those found in meat, eggs and dairy products. Complex proteins contain branched chain amino acids which will inhibit muscle tissue breakdown and prevent muscle fatigue.
The fourth tip is that you should keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. A well-hydrated muscle is not prone to fatigue, is less susceptible to irritation, and is able to contract more efficiently. Athletes are advised to take AT LEAST 6 glasses of fluids daily. Make sure that you have water or other fluids with you when you work out. If you are concerned about weight, don't go for high-cal drinks and instead take low calorie or low sugar beverages instead.
Finally, you will probably be surprised to learn that one effective way to combat muscle fatigue is to lift heavier weights. The rationale behind this is that muscle fatigue occurs more often in individuals who lift light weights but performs many repetitions. Ideally, you should lift weights that are so heavy that you can only do two sets maximum consisting of 12 to 15 reps.


Build Bigger Biceps and Show Off Those Arms

Building bigger biceps is one of the more popular areas that bodybuilders like to concentrate on.

As with other areas of the body such as the abs, back, chest, and legs the abs have specific bodybuilding exercises to promote building muscle in the biceps.

Arm Exercises

There are three main parts of your arm:

*The biceps (often called "guns" by body builders).

*The triceps (which are on the opposite side of your biceps on your upper arms).

*Forearms and wrists.

Here are some arm exercises that will help you build muscle:


*Tricep Dips - You will need a bench do this exercise. Stand in front of the bench lower your body and put your hands slightly more than shoulder width apart on the edge of bench behind you. Now straighten out your arms and keep a little bend in your elbows. Now slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down towards the floor until your arms are at about a 90° angle, be sure to keep your back close to the bench. Then slowly press off of your hands and push yourself straight back up to the starting position. Repeat

*Tricep Cable Push Downs - You will need a cable set up to do this exercise. Face the high pulley and grab the cable T-bar attachment with an overhand narrow grip. Extend your arms down and then return until your forearm is close to upper arm. Repeat

* Close Grip Bench Press - Lie down on a bench and grasp barbell from the rack with a shoulder with grip. Lower the weight to your chest with elbows close to body. Push the barbell back up until your arms are straight. Repeat. Note the grip can be slightly narrower than shoulder width but not too close.


*Dumbbell Curl - Grab the dumbbell on a preacher bench. With arm bent and palm facing shoulder, place back of arm down on pad. Lower dumbbell until arm is fully extended. Raise dumbbell until forearm is vertical. Repeat and continue with opposite arm

*Preacher Curl - again sit on the preacher bench, placing back of arms on pad. Grasp the curl bar with shoulder width underhand grip. Raise bar until your forearms are vertical. Lower barbel Angel arms are fully extended out. Repeat.


*Farmers Carry - Start with a set of dumbbells placed on each side that are about 2/3 of your dead lift max. Reach down and with your chin up grip the barbells and raise them till you reach a standing position. You will now walk with the dumbbells about 100 feet to complete a rep

*Wrist curl - Sit on a bench and hold the dumbbell underhand grip and rest your forearm on your thigh beyond your knee. Let the dumbbell roll out of your hand down your fingers. Then raise the dumbbell up by gripping and pointing your knuckles up high as you can. Lower and repeat.

These exercises will not only shape your biceps but will also increase the strength of your grip. This will help you with your heavier exercises when you need that added grip.


Gain Weight And Bulk Up By NOT Eating Fast Food!

When I was a teenager, I was so desperate to put on weight that I spent a ton of money eating fast food every other meal in a desperate attempt to put on weight. Little did I know, that doing bicep curls twice a week and eating Taco Bell and McDonald's daily weren't going to give me what I was looking for. You can't look good and eat fast food at the same time, it just doesn't work.
Fast food should be a cheat day joy-ride at most, you should never count on a fast food meal to provide you with any nutrition. I would go through and spend 6 bucks on tacos and then wonder why I felt like crap all the time. I looked like crap too, I was six feet tall and weighed in at a whopping 130 pounds. Not exactly what a person would call "healthy." The truth is, there are hardly any nutrients in fast food, and they are filled to the edge with preservatives. I wouldn't recommend eating fast food more than once a week. It can really hinder your bulking progress. Think of eating fast food to be on the same level of severity as skipping the gym.
So, if you have been eating fast food for a while and wonder why you aren't putting on weight, look no further. But, what food do we replace this with in our daily routines? The answer is whole foods. You should be eating whole foods every meal. What are whole foods? They foods that contain no preservatives and haven't been processed or refined. Think of them as "all-natural." These are the foods that contain the most nutrients and will do you the most good. Your entire life will change for the better by eating whole foods exclusively. Here are some examples of whole foods:
  • Oats
  • Chicken breast, steak, lean ground beef
  • Pasta
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Fish
  • Eggs
Start getting most of your calories from these whole food sources and you will start to see the muscle pile on. I would also recommend finding a good weight gainer recipe in order to provide yourself with a daily caloric surplus. You need to be calculating your caloric and macro nutrient intake every single day. Make sure you know how much you need to be eating by calculating your caloric needs and pair this information with a weight lifting routine designed for bulking and you will be brawny in no time.


Elliptical Trainers Vs Treadmills - Which Is Right for You?

It is not so long ago that treadmills were the most widely used pieces of gym equipment, however elliptical trainers are becoming more and more popular for use both at home and at the gym. In this article we will have a look at the pros and cons for both treadmills and ellipticals to help you determine which is the best choice for you.
Firstly, let's have a closer look at what each piece of equipment has to offer.
These offer the user a simulation of walking or running either on a flat surface or on an incline, and they are a great way of improving overall fitness levels by improving your cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, increasing your energy levels and helping to improve your bone density.
They are generally very easy to use and offer an extremely attractive method of exercising indoors instead of placing yourself at the mercy of the elements outdoors.
There is a wide range of models available at a wide range of prices, but most will feature some kind of inbuilt computer to select the different difficulty levels, keep track of your workout and to help you get the most out using your treadmill.
The big drawback with these pieces of gym equipment is that although they are very good at improving your cardiovascular fitness levels, they only provide a workout for the muscle groups of your lower body, and this is where an elliptical trainer really stands out from the crown and comes into it's own.
Elliptical Cross Trainers
Just like treadmills, these are excellent pieces of exercise equipment to use for improving your cardiovascular fitness, general calorie burning and helping to increase your bone density, however one of the big advantages to using one is that they are also excellent at working the major muscle groups in both your lower and upper body.
When you are using a treadmill you are simulating running outdoors, and with each stride your feet leave the surface of the running belt and then impact back down. The running motion on an elliptical trainer is different, in that your feet do not leave the platform (they travel in an elliptical arc), thus significantly reducing the impact and strain on your legs and lower body joints such as your ankles, knees and hips.
This low impact form of exercises that people with joint problems, or the elderly or people who are recovering or rehabilitating from an injury or accident, can often exercise using a cross trainer, whereas they would not be able to use a treadmill due to the level of impact on the joints.
Most machines have a computer console that will allow you to monitor your progress and alter the levels of intensity and change the built in programs.
Which to Choose?
Should you choose an elliptical trainer or a treadmill? Well if you are looking to improve your overall levels of fitness, or if you have any problems with your joints then an elliptical is for you. If however you are training for a distance run, and you only want to concentrate on your overall fitness and working your lower body muscle groups, then you would probably be better off choosing a treadmill.


The Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute WorkoutThe Ten Commandments for Success With the P90X Ten Minute Workout

P90X Ten Minute Trainer is the Beachbody.com equivalent of the old TV mini-series. Basically they line up the best actors and take a really popular story and try to boil it down to maximize the results for the viewer in the shortest possible amount of time.
Beachbody will always be measured against P90X in whatever they do going forward. Much like how the Cadillac was once synonymous with the General Motors family. You have many other great cars in the family, but when you think of the very best, you think of one name first.
The pressure to perform is even higher when you take a workout and you borrow not only the core concepts of the workout but the actual trainer. Then you are clear that you can take the approximately one hour or so workouts from P90X and boil them down to 10 minutes and will still achieve super results not unlike P90X.
Finally, you have price points for the P90X Ten Minute Trainer which are not much lower than P90X. So you are asking a user to pay the same for less quantity promising that the expertise will make up for the smaller volume.
Sure Beachbody and Tony Horton have this starting and marketing a workout process down really well. Still, everyone could use a hand now and again. Here are some suggestions for the user picked up from friends who have successfully and unsuccessfully used P90X Ten Minute Trainer.
Rule 10. Do at least one workout in the morning before work. This speeds up your metabolism for the day and has you feeling mentally great. Plus it gives you a great foundation for that second workout later in the day.
Rule 9. Do that first workout on a totally empty stomach. These are high intensity workouts and they are quick. You are best not to have recently eaten because it can inhibit progress.
Rule 8. Have clear written goals for everything you want to accomplish and deadlines for reaching them.
Rule 7. Watch each workout before you attempt them and jot down a few notes about how difficult you believe each will be. This lays the groundwork for effective modifications.
Rule 6. Lower your consumption of processed foods and eat more clean foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Rule 5. No getting down about falling off the wagon on your nutrition plan. You are looking for 80% compliance to start out and grow from there. I actually hear from people that you could run the risk of quitting for good if you try to do too much extreme change too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race.
Rule 4. Go as hard as possible your first time through the workouts. This allows you to gauge future modifications for best results.
Rule 3. Be prepared to do multiple workouts in a day if you want the serious results. They don't have to be consecutively.
Rule 2. Going hard doesn't mean allowing mechanics to get shoddy. Think form first and master that. Sometimes we think an exercise is too hard or too easy but in actuality a small adjustment in form will increase effectiveness and results.
Rule 1. Make great use of the Beachbody support forums and website. The P90X Ten Minute Workout isn't the greatest workout ever devised but it is far from the worst. Use that site to meet people in a similar fitness situation to yourself. It really helps you stay on focus.