
Fitness Trainer Courses - Good, Better & Best

The mind thrives on the body. If the body is ailing, the mind won work to its maximum potential either. Diseases, aches and old age can turn one life into a living nightmare. Thus it is important to remain fit, and for that we need fitness trainers. Trainers are professional uides?who have undertaken fitness trainer courses which teach them the techniques for developing and maintaining a Fit body.

 In fact, today fitness training has become a very lucrative career option. People have started realizing the dangers of an unfit body. The spreading of so many diseases and ailments has moved them into action and an increasing number of people are now hiring the services of professionals who have the experience and certification from good Fitness Academies which provide fitness trainer courses. A fitness trainer can work at multiple locations and with multiple clients, since most facilities work in shifts. They can look for employment in gyms, health centres, clubs and even with corporate houses. It is a fascinating field where one gets to work with interesting people from all walks of life.

 A word of warning while looking for Certification courses. In case you find yourself pressed for time & cannot make it in person to an institute, do not fall for the temptation of doing an Online Certification. Certain fields such as that of a Fitness Trainer cannot & should not have Online Certifications as Practical training is an integral & indispensable part of the education of a fitness trainer. This is totally skipped by such courses making the fitness professional who has certified himself online to be extremely unreliable in the Form & Technique department. Teaching the right form & technique of exercises is probably the most important part of the job profile of a Personal trainer and thus no certification course should ever avoid that. After all better performance & injury prevention are based solely on doing the exercises with the right form & technique.

 Fitness trainers get to learn basic First Aid & CPR, Workouts for Special Populations & Exercise-Sports Nutrition through supplementary courses at reputed Fitness Academies apart from the fundamental Personal Trainer Course. Equipment appreciation is also part of the course.

 There are a few fitness trainer courses which work on correspondence basis. Subjects that do not involve practical training for Exercise form & Technique can be done through correspondence. For instance the Exercise & Sports Nutrition Course or the course on Personal Trainer for Special Populations. These courses must be done after first completing the Personal Trainer Course in person. The Massage Therapy Course again is an example of a course that SHOULD NOT be done through Correspondence or Online as the strokes can only be learnt properly throough practical training. Correspondence even in those courses which can be done through distance learning should only be an option for people who live far away from the institute maybe in another city, state or country OR for people who cannot leave their jobs & spare time to do a course. With regards to working people many reputed aacademies have started weekend courses or very early morning batch timings.

 These correspondence courses are held through post, emails and online seminars. You will get all relevant course material sent to you through these channels. At the end of the course, there will be examinations in selected centres, after which you will receive the certification. But be sure to do correspondence courses in subjects that do not require Practical training.

 It is one thing to read something in books or online and quite another to experience it first-hand. Interacting directly with the lecturers & Master Trainers will give you an infinitely better learning experience & a better hold over the subject.

