
Benefits of Stretching After Your Workout

Exercise is an enjoyable past time and widely encouraged but not many stress the importance of stretching after your workout.

Let me explain, your muscles are working when you exercise; contracting and flexing. Your body works hard, heart pumps faster and your need to gradually take the pace down a notch or two. The tautness or rigidity obtained by your muscles during a workout must be relaxed and gently exercised out of their rigidity after your session. The soothing exercise of stretching works out the muscles plus gradually slows down your heart rate by easing the pressure after your vigorous session and also prepares your body for your next workout.

This simple technique of stretching after a workout reduces the chances of a torn or damaged ligament in the not too distant future.

How much a person is able to stretch is relative to their age and their range that is why it is so important to do it regularly. Most sportsmen and trainers find that stretches done before as well as after a workout, is of great import. Why? Think of working non stop, with no break what so ever from a very demanding job which is either physically or mentally challenging. You will probably burnout literally and figuratively.

That is, on the whole, what not stretching after your workout or even before your workout will achieve. You will strain your muscles and they will not be able to function as they should.

The benefits of stretching are numerous. Stretching increases the length of muscles and tendons hence increasing your movement range. Being able to increase your range enables you to do more and add a wealth of new capabilities or abilities to your lifestyle. Stretching makes you more flexible which makes the chances of being injured less likely, although it does not stop injury altogether. When you stretch, an injury that could have been major is made to become minor through your increased litheness.

Muscles are forced to reduce traction, relieving tension thereby reducing muscles cramps and tenderness. Being lithe encourages you to take more chances opening a world of possibilities by raising your energy levels.

The benefits of stretching are something to consider as well as incorporate in your fitness regime. Stretching after your workout and even stretching before your workout should be done regularly. Always remember the saying, "Prevention is better than cure", so prevent the injury before it happens. Your muscles and your body will thank you.

